

📖 Decidim Book: A Gift to Celebrate Our Birthday

Today we turn 7 years old! On February 1st, 2017, Decidim was born, a free software project with a community involved in its governance, and which today has become a digital public good recognized by the DPGA, extended to over 30 countries and with more than 3 million participants.

After 7 years of work, we present our book: "Decidim, a Technopolitical Network for Participatory Democracy", detailing every aspect of the project: its principles, practices, and future challenges, sparking a crucial debate about democracy in the digital age. This book is not only a useful tool for the uncertain present, but also to face the major global democratic challenges of the coming decades.

Just like everything in Decidim, this book is published under a free copyleft license, reflecting its open nature. We hope it continues to evolve and enrich itself with the collective intelligence of its community.

Read the post we wrote to celebrate its release here.

📅 Community meetings

We are preparing a year with a lot of activities open to the community, for now we announce the first dates planned:

Open meeting, especially for new members of the community. Do you want to present a topic? We have opened an open call to submit topics for the agenda. See the meeting link for more information.

This call is open to anyone interested in contributing to improving Decidim's design. Designers of the world, come and participate!

Stay tuned to Metadecidim, we will be announcing more events soon. 

If you don't want to miss anything, export the Metadecidim calendar.Copy and paste this URL in your calendar using the "Add new calendar from an URL" option. 

🎙️ Interview with Carla Bezerra on RNE

We recommend you to listen to the interview with the Director of Social Participation of the Federal Government of Brazil. She explains why they have chosen Decidim to deploy their participation platform on a national scale and what have been the main challenges they have encountered. 

📱 The cycle Growing up between screens? Education, technologies and democracy

The Canòdrom is inaugurating a series of debates to address the issues surrounding the use of digital tools by children and adolescents. The first session, OGM, Screens! Technologies at the service of whom?, held on 1 February, asks about the technological model behind the current situation. The series will continue on a monthly basis until May.


🌱 Participate in the Manifesta Assembly for the ecosocial transition

Held in the framework of the European Capital of Democracy, the Manifesta Metropolitan Assembly aims to bring together 60 people from the metropolitan region of Barcelona interested in ecosocial transition, art, cultural and metropolitan politics. The deliberative process asks how to create spaces in the metropolitan region that have a positive impact on culture or how to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.


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