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Dialoguem! Sociophysical Modelling, Data Analysis, and Visualization for Augmented Deliberation

  • Margarita Salas
    Carrer de Concepción Arenal 165, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya
  • 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM CEST
OpenStreetMap - Carrer de Concepción Arenal 165, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

How can physical modeling, data analysis, and data visualization facilitate collective decision-making?

Dialoguem is a project by Heurística in collaboration with UBICS (University of Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems) aimed at exploring the potential of a socio-physical approach to improve collective decision-making processes. Specifically, to understand what cognitive biases and other factors affect the evolution of opinions in group dynamics and to develop situated and participatory socio-technical supports for facilitation. In this workshop, we will test how a real-time data collection, analysis, and visualization environment, based on socio-physical modeling, can facilitate deliberation by visualizing biases and misunderstandings.

Introduction (15 min)

  • What is socio-physics?
  • Models of opinion dynamics

Blind assembly (45 min)

Participants will discuss a topic anonymously through an instant messaging tool

Data analysis and visualization and augmented democracy (30 min)

  • Analysis and visualization of data from the blind assembly
  • Open debate: collective decision-making supported by real-time data

Held by: Heurística, Luce Prignano, Emanuele Cozzo & Joan Massachs

Language of the workshop: English


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