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Cambios en "Cominutas: civil society co-creation of open government policies with Decidim "

Avatar: Fernanda Campagnucci
Fernanda Campagnucci


  • +{"en"=>"Cominutas: civil society co-creation of open government policies with Decidim "}


  • +["

    Type of session: lightning talk

    In Brazil, the more than 5,000 municipalities and 26 states of the federation need to design their own open government policies, such as open data policies and plans, personal data protection, digital government strategies and other related policies.

    These policies have been drawn up without taking into account local specificities, copying and pasting the text of national legislation. Or, managers informally consult specialist organisations like ours, but without engaging in transparent dialogue.

    To expand this public dialogue, Open Knowledge Brasil, in partnership with Codeando México, has developed \"Cominutas\", a platform for collective discussion and deliberation of draft legislation built with Decidim.

    The platform can be used by municipal managers and civil society. Now ready, it will be officially launched in August this year with two processes to discuss data protection legislation and digital government regulations for Curvelo, a municipality of 80,000 inhabitants in the countryside of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Further processes are planned to prioritize and build model drafts with the collaboration of the open data and open source community, in order to offer subsidies to local governments.

    In this lightning talk, we will present the first results of this experience, emphasizing how civil society can contribute to public management to build more democratic lawmaking processes.

    Language of the session: English

    Logistical needs: Screen and projector



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