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An assembly is a group of members of an organization who meet periodically to make decisions about a specific area or scope of the organization.

Assemblies hold meetings, some are private and some are open. If they are open, it is possible to participate in them (for example: attending if the capacity allows it, adding points to the agenda, or commenting on the proposals and decisions taken by this organ).

Examples: A general assembly (which meets once a year to define the organisation's main lines of action as well as its executive bodies by vote), an equality advisory council (which meets every two months to make proposals on how to improve gender relations in the organisation), an evaluation commission (which meets every month to monitor a process) or a guarantee body (which collects incidents, abuses or proposals to improve decision-making procedures) are all examples of assemblies.

Our governance

Discover how we are organized inside the Association

About this assembly

The Metadecidim community is governed through the Decidim Free Software Association, a non-profit association, created on  February 16, 2019 in an extraordinary assembly, after a participatory process, with the approval of the statutes.

In the Association we organize ourselves through different spaces, be they governing bodies or advisory bodies. Below you can see the list of active committees and bodies.



Related documents

Reference: MDC-ASSE-2022-10-91


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