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I can see comments and endorsements icons when they are disabled

Avatar: Julie Julie Finished
- I created a new proposal component here: http://staging.decidim.codegram.com/processes/molestias-consequatur/f/56/ **without enabling commenting nor endorsing** - I create a new proposal - On the index on the proposal card, I can see the icons for comments and endorsements set at 0 - On the show I can see the comment anchor button on the right Seeing all these icons set to 0 on the index of the proposals leads the user to think that no one cared about participating when it's just that neither commenting nor endorsing are possible ! A solution would be to remove these `
` when "Comments enabled" and "Endorsement enabled" are unchecked in the proposal component configuration See original issue on OSP decidim fork here https://github.com/OpenSourcePolitics/decidim/issues/178


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