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Changes at "Add a new card in the process homepage right section"

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles
Pauline Bessoles


  • +{"en"=>"Add a new card in the process homepage right section"}


  • +["

    Is your feature request related to a problem?

    A lot of administrators don't understand why the right section of a process presentation page is not incorporated in the main section. A majority of them don't use the metadata fields because it doesn't apply to their use cases, so the right section is \"lost\" and the presentation page seems unbalanced.

    As this section must be preserved because it's used to put highly synthesized information, we thought about adding a new section below this metadata section.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    As as admin, I'd like to be able to fill a rich text editor when configuring my participatory process, that would be displayed below the metadata sidebar.

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    Use static pages for those infos. This solution partly responds to this problem, because it overburdens the process navbar for only a few lines and links.

    Does this issue could impact on users private data?


    Funded by

    EU commission



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