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This proposal has been implemented

  • Reviewed by @product and accepted in the main project
  • It is funded by European Commission 
  • Developed by Tremend
  • Available in release 0.24 via  #7281

Clarify the texts for download & delete data in "My account"

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles Pauline Bessoles Finished

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

In the "My account" tab, the user can download her data, or delete her account. The texts are not clear on how to use these functionalities and what are the consequences of the account deletion.

Right now, the texts are :

  • My data: Download the data - A file with all the information associated with the account will be sent to
  • Delete my account: This action cannot be undone. If you delete your account you won't be able to log in.Please, fill in the reason you want to delete your account (optional).

On the "My data" part, the problem is that the file sent in zipped with a password. The mail notification asks the user to download 7zip to be able to open the file. But this software isn't available on MacOS.

The Keka file archiver ( can open the file on MacOS, but this should be explained! In the "My data" page or in the notification, with a link to download it.

In the "Delete your account" tab, the consequences of the deletion are not clear. It should be explicit that the contributions are kept but anonymised. Also, the actual text seems to imply that the user won't be able to create a new one.

Describe the solution you'd like

We'd like to add strings to explain better those sections.

EDIT Dec, 11th 2020

  • My data tab : suggested texts modifications

"A file with all the information associated with your account will be sent to This mail will contain a .zip file, and the associated password that will allow you to open this file.

In order to open this file, you will need <a href=''''>7-Zip</a&gt; (for Windows) or <a href=''''>Keka</a&gt; (for MacOS)."

  • decidim.export_mailer.data_portability_export.click_button: suggested texts modifications

"Click the next button to download your data. <br/> You will have the file available until %{date}. <br/> You will need <a href=''''>7-Zip</a&gt; (for Windows) or <a href=''''>Keka</a&gt; (for MacOS) to open it. Password: %{password}"

  • Delete my account tab: suggested texts modifications

"This action cannot be undone. If you delete your account you won't be able to log in with your credentials. The deletion of your account will result in the anonymisation of your contributions. You will still be able to create a new account, but these contributions will not be associated with it."

Describe alternatives you've considered


Does this issue could impact on users private data?


Funded by

European Commission



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