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Changes at "Enhance initiative homepage block"

Avatar: Virgile Deville Virgile Deville

Title (English)

  • +Enhance initiative homepage block

Body (English)

  • +

    Is your feature request related to a problem? A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

    I'm always frustrated when visiting a decidim instance with initiatives enabled to see that it's always the same initiatives displayed.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    We should come up with something more dynamic to show different initiatives to the user visiting the homepage. This in my opinion a social contract to provide equal chance of visibility for all petitions.

    We considered different ordering options (within open for signature initiatives) :

    • Most recently published
    • Most popular
    • Random —> I'm guessing this one will get product approval more easily.
    • Most recent state change
    • Most recent that crossed a % threshold of signatures

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    Creating our own home page content block via a module.

    Does this issue could impact on users private data?


    Funded by

    OSP might fund this


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