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Changes at "Order assemblies and processes in public page"

Avatar: Ariadna Vila Ariadna Vila

Title (Català)

  • -Order assemblies in public page
  • +Order assemblies and processes in public page

Body (Català)

  • -

    Is it related to a problem?

    As and admin, I would like to organize the way in which Assemblies are displayed in the public page. 

    In some complex participatory activities, there are many assamblies and they are sorted by date of the participatory space creation.

    This confuses the users and affects the way the participatory activity has been designed.

    Solutions proposed

    We can order the assemblies by date of publication.

    We can add a "Weigh" field in the configuration of every Assemblie working similarly to the weigh in components, which stablish an order.

  • +

    Is it related to a problem?

    As and admin, I would like to organize the way in which Assemblies and Processes are displayed in the public page. 

    In some complex participatory activities, there can be many assamblies or processes and they are sorted by date of the participatory space creation, dismantling the design and planification of the participatory action. 

    This confuses the users and affects the way the participatory activity has been designed.

    Solutions proposed

    We can order the assemblies/processes by date of publication.

    We can add a "Weigh" field in the configuration of every Assemblie/Process working similarly to the weigh in components, which stablish an order.


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