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Associació Decidim - Reunió Comité de Coordinació 15/10/2020

  • Jitsi
  • 14:30 PM - 16:00 PM CEST
OpenStreetMap - Barcelona
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Reunió ordinària del Comitè de Coordinació.

Meeting Minutes


  •  Expansion of the Association's census.

The communication about the extension of the census for individuals will be reactivated, taking advantage of the celebration of the next Decidim Fest and the future renewal of the Coordination Committee. Right now the "most active community" (according to the frequent interactions to metadecidim) is around thirty people, basically people from development companies. Important activities to do: we have to revise the inclusion criteria (according to the statutes), the registration form, the page "I want to be a member" and manage the requests for inclusion in the census and update the census to

  • Communication.

A post will be published in the assembly about how to become a member and what will be the roadmap for the renewal of the Coordination Committee. Communication will be made during the Decidim Fest about the future renewal of the Coordination Committee.

  • Renewal of the Coordination Committee

A working group (Juan and Silvia) is formed to design the participatory process and a 2020-2021 calendar.

  • Opening of a bank account.

A prospection of bank accounts of the Association will be made (Guillem and Bru are in charge). When we have an active bank account, we will activate the membership fees (foreseeably, beginning of 2021).

  • Management of the brand.

We request 2 brands: the "d." and "decidim". A german company has claimed the "d." and after negotiation an agreement of shared use has been reached. The report will be attached when we have it in this record. It remains to develop a regulation for the use of the mark.

  • Further information.

The following proposal of economic contributions of the agreement between the Barcelona City Council, the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Free Software Association Decidim is validated so that other institutions can join the future agreement. When the future agreement is signed, the document and its annexes will be attached here.


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