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Analítiques i estadístiques


Associació Decidim - Reunió Comité de Coordinació

  • -
    Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
  • 17:00 PM - 18:00 PM CET
OpenStreetMap - Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Avatar: Trobada oficial
Trobada oficial

Reunió ordinària del Comitè de Coordinació.

Acta de la trobada

Attendees: Ali, Nil, Ant, Txema, Pauline, Fran, David

1) Presidency:

Nil accepts the presidency for one year.

Nil says that the presidency is being confused with a job as Technical Coordinator. The presidency is only an administrative and representative position.

The need to define the role of Technical Coordination in the Internal Regulations, in order to separate it from the tasks of the presidency, is commented on. This is because up to now the presidency has exercised technical coordination roles without financial remuneration.

It means more working hours for Nil, hopefully in a year's time the position can be remunerated. Nil commits himself to one year in the position of president with the current situation.

Fundraising is not only about raising funds but also about understanding the sustainability of the project, making projections etc. Who makes the decision? Those who have a good understanding of these projections.

There is a coordination role that has to be remunerated. Does Carol still have this role? She does not want to continue in this role. Nil is going to start taking on this role, pro bono. We have to divide this role, redesign the work of the committee team so that we don't burn people out by too many unpaid responsibilities.

Detail the coordination tasks from now on, we can distribute among the rest of the committee members, to be able to take over the responsibilities of the chair/coordination.

We have to define the job profiles (3 profiles), to see if they correspond with those of the statutes.

Nil offers to provide a first document defining the profiles.

It is proposed to implement a tool for task management: notion?, trello? It was agreed to use a free software tool. David proposes to implement one with Taiga.

As more fundamental issues, but which also need to be addressed as soon as possible:

  • The debate on how the Association generates its own funds to ensure its sustainability.
  • The relationship between staff and committee (very much related to the presidency).

2) Grant project 2023

The City Council grant project defines 3 freelance profiles:

  • A fundraiser
  • A part-time senior developer (20h/week)
  • A UX expert designer

We have submitted the project to the City Council and we hope to receive the money between March and April.

3) Other

We have to find the missing 16K for own funds.

Check if we can issue an invoice for OSP.

Make a sustainability plan.

Other pending tasks

  • Find out the status of the partner programme and take it up again.
  • Translate the statutes - even if it is for another time. They are in Catalan and translated into English. They need to be translated into Spanish.
  • A revision of docs.decidim.org - even if it is for another time: Organise a documentation hackathon.
  • Finalise Digital Public Goods Alliance nomination process - Ali
  • Upload minutes to MetaDecidim
  • Official welcome announcement of the new committee

Tomorrow 24/01/2023: meeting with digital ocean at 5pm

4) Summary of agreements

  • President = Nil Homedes Busquets
  • Secretary = Txema
  • Treasury = David


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
