Trobada de la comunitat: Actualització de grups temàtics i convocatòria de continguts
17:00 PM - 18:00 PM CET
Quan comencem el 2024, ens complau convidar-vos a la nostra propera reunió de la comunitat!
Aquest programa inclou una convocatòria per proposar punts a l'ordre del dia, de manera que qualsevol membre de la comunitat pugui afegir un punt a l'ordre del dia, per exemple:
un cas d'ús interessant de Decidim;
desenvolupament d'un mòdul nou;
una nova comunitat Decidim local;
i qualsevol idea que vulguis compartir!
També hi haurà un espai on els comitès temàtics (traduccions, dissenys, etc.) podran presentar els seus avenços i suggeriments (si es volen) i reclutar persones potencialment interessades!
Finalment, volem crear aquest format per facilitar la benvinguda de les persones noves que s'han incorporat a la comunitat, perquè siguin benvingudes i puguin identificar ràpidament els diferents àmbits en els quals poden contribuir, així com les persones a les quals es poden dirigir.
Vols compartir alguna cosa amb la comunitat? Fes-nos-ho saber a la secció de comentaris i tindreu un temps dedicat durant la reunió!
Acta de la trobada
Presentation time (20 minutes), we each introduced ourselves and talked a little bit about what we do / what compelled us to come here
Thematic updates (20 minutes)
Translation hackathon - Translating decidim and translating the documentation. Too much for 2 hours event
What is the terms we agree on?What is the governance model for translations - for ex: who is proofreader?
Translation hackathon to happen in june
Speaking about how to make political decisions regarding how to translate things
How to cascade terms that are used multiple times within several strings
Focus on the source language first, and agree on governance prior to the rest
Bug bash:
Bug bash party in March, focus on the mobile version and design inconsistencies
Open floor (20 minutes)
Hollie is interested in implementing Decidim for children, how to implement? we can possibly connect her with OSP, Ocktree, NYC, or PokeCode, Platoniq? focus is on making it safe for children to participate
They are working in proposals for the local council
Nil: Barcelona is organizing a new participatory council called Volem Decidim that is directed to only children and youth. There's a module developed by pokecode that helps with it. The module deals mainly with consent of the children from parents
In code of japan they provide technical and hosting support for decidim
Filene a general decidim 101 would be nice
Open agenda, really good, new people felt welcome and participative
Let's make note-taking collaborative next time
Let's add maybe here in the pad or in a PPT slide the different channels where people can get involved
Perhaps a short decidim 101 would also help