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Community release party for 0.28 release candidate

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles Pauline Bessoles

Hola Decidim socias!

I'm posting this here, because I feel it's the right place, but please tell me if I should repost it elsewhere 😊

As part of the Community release party working group, we present the progress of our reflections and ask for your feedback on this proposal.

We would like to organise an event, supported by the Decidim association, around the release of version 0.28 of Decidim.

The objectives of the event are:

  • To hunt out bugs and inconsistencies in this release before it is released as a stable version
  • To promote the participation of the community at large in the maintenance of the application
  • To create a link between all the users of the community (companies, associations, communities, institutions, administrators and users of Decidim)

Organisation of the event:

  • Any local entity wishing to promote and follow the event is invited to do so
  • All entities join together on a remote videoconference link, to follow the event at the same time
  • Entities wishing to organise it set up a physical event to encourage participation in their local area

Roles during the event:

  • Testers: browse a platform dedicated to the event to find bugs
  • Facilitators: facilitate and help participants, whether remotely or in person
  • Dispatchers: Reproduce and translate the bugs reported by testers into operational issues to be handled by developers
  • Developers: Review the issues, validate them and resolve them if possible

To do before the event:

  • Create a testing guide for participants
  • Create a database from the 0.28 changelog so testers know easily where they have to look for bugs
  • Having a common place to signal bugs, before they're translated into Github issues
  • Install the 0.28 release candidate version on dedicated servers for the event (global or per chapter?)
  • Agree on a common language to work with, or having translators for issues
  • Create an Element channel dedicated to the event (#release-party-0.28?)

Schedule of the event:

For now, we think of a 2-hours long meeting.

  • Present each local chapter
  • Present the testing platform(s)
  • Explain the testing process :
  • walkthrough on the testing platform
  • tools to use
  • Let's hunt for bugs!

This is where we are at the moment, we are very interested in your feedback so don't hesitate if you have any comments or suggestions!

Vijai, Ouarda, Rubén, Lucie, Baptiste and Pauline



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