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Cambios en "Adhering to the "Technopolitics and Genocide: Solidarity with Palestine" Manifesto"

Avatar: Carol Romero Carol Romero

Descripción (English)

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    (Versión en castellano más abajo)

    We aim to initiate a discussion about the potential support of the Association for the manifesto "Technopolitics and Genocide. Declaration of Solidarity with Palestine", which condemns the collaboration between Big Tech and Israel in the Palestinian genocide.


    The Israeli government's aggression against the Palestinian population, turning out to be a massacre of alarming proportions, also constitutes a violation of human rights underscored by the role of corporations and digital technologies. The Israeli multi-billion dollar surveillance industry, the use of facial recognition technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI) systems to restrict movements and automate killings, as well as cuts in digital communications, are just a few examples of the technopolitical dimensions of the situation.

    Several members from this community have been collaborating with various groups and organizations to spotlight these issues, specifically addressing the involvement of major tech corporations.

    For this reason, on February 7th, we shared the statement "7F: Technopolitics and Genocide. Declaration of Solidarity with Palestine," in which we denounce the use of digital technologies in the genocide against Palestine and condemn the complicity of Big Tech.

    This initiative has sparked interest among several organizations that have expressed their intention to adhere to the text. The idea is also to collaborate to expose not only the direct involvement of companies like Amazon, Meta, and Google in the infrastructure of genocide, but also to counter Israel's attempts at sanitizing its image within global tech forums.

    An imminent example is the upcoming Mobile World Congress (MWC), to be held in Barcelona in two weeks. This event, one of the most significant in the global technological field, represents a critical opportunity to draw attention to the tech industry's complicity with the Israeli regime.

    Proposed Actions

    To contribute to this collective effort of denunciation, we present two proposals to the Decidim community:

    1. Official endorsement and announcement: We plan to officially join the statement "Technopolitics and Genocide. Declaration of Solidarity with Palestine"( through a dedicated webpage.

    2. Network participation: We aim to engage with a network that includes entities closely aligned with Decidim, such as Algorights, Ars Games, Digital Fems, or Platoniq Foundation. Our collective efforts will focus on denouncing major tech companies and Israel's image laundering campaigns.

    This action would underscore our commitment, as a technopolitical community, not only to human rights and social justice but also to the responsibility of using our knowledge and platforms to challenge injustices perpetrated through digital technologies.

    This is a crucial collective action towards promoting a more just technological and social future. Most importantly, we are not alone in this endeavor. We are witnessing many other similar initiatives with which we wish to collaborate and join forces. Here are some examples:

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      (Versión en castellano más abajo)

      We aim to initiate a discussion about the potential support of the Association for the manifesto "Technopolitics and Genocide. Declaration of Solidarity with Palestine", which condemns the collaboration between Big Tech and Israel in the Palestinian genocide.


      The Israeli government's aggression against the Palestinian population, turning out to be a massacre of alarming proportions, also constitutes a violation of human rights underscored by the role of corporations and digital technologies. The Israeli multi-billion dollar surveillance industry, the use of facial recognition technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI) systems to restrict movements and automate killings, as well as cuts in digital communications, are just a few examples of the technopolitical dimensions of the situation.

      Several members from this community have been collaborating with various groups and organizations to spotlight these issues, specifically addressing the involvement of major tech corporations.

      For this reason, on February 7th, we shared the statement "7F: Technopolitics and Genocide. Declaration of Solidarity with Palestine," in which we denounce the use of digital technologies in the genocide against Palestine and condemn the complicity of Big Tech.

      This initiative has sparked interest among several organizations that have expressed their intention to adhere to the text. The idea is also to collaborate to expose not only the direct involvement of companies like Amazon, Meta, and Google in the infrastructure of genocide, but also to counter Israel's attempts at sanitizing its image within global tech forums.

      An imminent example is the upcoming Mobile World Congress (MWC), to be held in Barcelona in two weeks. This event, one of the most significant in the global technological field, represents a critical opportunity to draw attention to the tech industry's complicity with the Israeli regime.

      Proposed Actions

      To contribute to this collective effort of denunciation, we present two proposals to the Decidim community:

      1. Official endorsement and announcement: We plan to officially join the statement "Technopolitics and Genocide. Declaration of Solidarity with Palestine"( through a dedicated webpage.

      2. Network participation: We aim to engage with a network that includes entities closely aligned with Decidim, such as Algorights, Ars Games, Digital Fems, or Platoniq Foundation. Our collective efforts will focus on denouncing major tech companies and Israel's image laundering campaigns.

      This action would underscore our commitment, as a technopolitical community, not only to human rights and social justice but also to the responsibility of using our knowledge and platforms to challenge injustices perpetrated through digital technologies.

      This is a crucial collective action towards promoting a more just technological and social future. Most importantly, we are not alone in this endeavor. We are witnessing many other similar initiatives with which we wish to collaborate and join forces. Here are some examples:




    • We invite the Metadecidim community and the coordination committee to support this proposal, with the seriousness and urgency the moment demands.

      Signed: Several members of the Decidim Association

      -- Versión Cast --

      Queremos abrir el debate sobre el posible apoyo de la Asociación al manifiesto "Tecnopolítica y genocidio. Declaración de solidaridad con Palestina​​​​​​​", que denuncia la colaboración entre las Big Tech e Israel en torno al genocidio palestino​​​​.


      La agresión del gobierno israelí contra la población palestina, que está resultando ser una masacre de proporciones alarmantes, es también una vulneración de los derechos humanos marcada por el rol de las corporaciones y las tecnologías digitales. La industria multimillonaria de vigilancia israelí, el uso de tecnologías de reconocimiento facial y sistemas de inteligencia artificial (IA) para restringir movimientos y automatizar asesinatos, así como los cortes de comunicaciones digitales, son solo algunos ejemplos de las dimensiones tecnopolíticas de la situación.

      Varias participantes de esta comunidad venimos trabajando hace un tiempo con otros colectivos y organizaciones diversas para denunciar este genocidio, así como la participación de las grandes tecnológicas en todo ello.

      Por ese motivo, el pasado 7 de febrero, difundimos el comunicado "Tecnopolítica y genocidio. Declaración de solidaridad con Palestina", en el que denunciamos la utilización de tecnologías digitales en el genocidio contra Palestina y condenamos la complicidad de las Big Tech.

      Esta iniciativa ha suscitado interés entre varias organizaciones que han expresado su voluntad de adherirse al texto. La idea es, también, la de colaborar conjuntamente para exponer no solo la participación directa de empresas como Amazon, Meta y Google en la infraestructura del genocidio, sino también para señalar los esfuerzos de Israel para lavar su imagen en foros tecnológicos internacionales.

      Un ejemplo inminente es el próximo Mobile World Congress (MWC), que se celebrará en Barcelona en dos semanas. Este evento, uno de los más importantes en el ámbito tecnológico mundial, presenta una oportunidad crítica para llamar la atención sobre la complicidad de la industria tecnológica con el régimen israelí. 

      Acciones propuestas

      A fin de contribuir a este esfuerzo colectivo de denuncia, planteamos a la comunidad Decidim dos propuestas:

      1. Adhesión oficial y comunicación: Proceder con la publicación formal de nuestra adhesión al comunicado "Tecnopolítica y genocidio. Declaración de solidaridad con Palestina", que se realizará en una página web habilitada a tal efecto.

      2. Participación en la red: Integrarnos activamente en la red de colectivos y organizaciones, entre las que se encuentran organizaciones muy próximas a Decidim, como Algorights, Ars Games, Digital Fems o la Fundación Platoniq, apoyando y participando en las campañas de denuncia contra las grandes tecnológicas y las operaciones de lavado de imagen por parte de Israel.

      Esta acción subrayaría nuestro compromiso, en tanto que comunidad tecnopolítica, no solo con los derechos humanos y la justicia social, sino también con la responsabilidad de utilizar nuestro conocimiento y nuestras plataformas para desafiar injusticias perpetradas gracias a las tecnologías digitales.

      Se trata de una acción colectiva crucial hacia la promoción de un futuro tecnológico y social más justo. Y, lo más importante, no estamos solas en esto. Estamos viendo muchas otras iniciativas similares con las que queremos colaborar y unir esfuerzos. Aquí algunos ejemplos:




      • Invitamos a la comunidad Metadecidim y al comité de coordinación a apoyar esta propuesta, con la seriedad y la urgencia que el momento requiere.

        Fdo: varias personas miembros de la Asociación Decidim

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