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Changes at "From digital platforms to digital public spaces "

Avatar: Mauricio Mejia Mauricio Mejia

Title (English)

  • +From digital platforms to digital public spaces

Body (English)

  • +


    Lightning talk:

    Understanding digital platforms like Decidim as public spaces can help governments define a more ambitious strategy to improve digital democratic participation. What does this imply? A physical public space requires public infrastructure like lightning and benches to be usable and inclusive. A physical public space needs a set of rules and collective practices for it to be democratic and safe.

    Therefore, what can governments do to move from platforms to digital spaces? How to understand digital public infrastructure in this context, and what rules should be defined to make sure digital spaces are democratic?

    The OECD will share a preliminary analysis of it's forthcoming publication on the use of digital tools and infrastructures for democratic participation.

    Language of the session: Spanish or English

    Logistical needs: if possible, a screen for slides.


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