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Changes at "How peacefully use VAR's methodologies to improve Contributive Intelligence, e-g Non IA, to create Master Communs (in French here Oeuvrer les communs)"

Avatar: d6daj d6daj

Title (English)

  • +How peacefully use VAR's methodologies to improve Contributive Intelligence, e-g Non IA, to create Master Communs (in French here Oeuvrer les communs)

Body (English)

  • +


    The workshop is aimed at creating changes by creating Worlds, confluent in their divergences.
    VAR's one of the Hypercrate (crate is not the meaning of greek cratos for power, but rather english crate or greman Krate where item is to protect Values and Beings) (hyper stands for hyper of hyperbolics) tools, to create, design, concieve in a way to realise master pieces of projects.

    We will set the process and see how Decidim can be usefull to spread the projects and contribute to Commons

    Language of the session: English

    Logistical needs: screen, projector, sound equipment, computer set to work with video and audio, wifi or internet connection

    (only for workshop)
    Maximum number of participants: 30

    Number of people facilitating the workshop: 1 or 2 or 3


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