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Decidim Fest 2023

#decidimfest23 Democracy, Technology and Collective Intelligence

18 Oct - 20 Oct @ Canòdrom (Barcelona)



DecidimFest 2023 will take place in Barcelona on October 18, 19 and 20, 2023.


Decidim Fest returns on October 18,19 and 20, 2023 with the motto Democracy, Technology and Collective Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence has undoubtedly emerged as the overarching digital issue over the last year. It has done so on multiple levels, both in terms of enhancing some of the leading technologies with rapid extension and social adoption, and in terms of opening debates about its risks, limits, regulation and potential impacts on our societies. In this context, and with the capacity to glimpse numerous possibilities of these technologies from a democratic perspective, important doubts or questions arise: Why is it called artificial when it is nourished by sources of common and open knowledge, produced in a collective manner? Who leads its development at a global level and under what mandate? Which are the regulatory urgencies to defend fundamental and democratic rights? How can we imagine models of AI development that are democratic and at the service of society as a whole?

Specifically, and within the Decidim project, we want to address many of these questions: how can AI systems be deployed in Decidim, from free software, from democratic governance and from its social contract, to continue to pave the way for the development of transparent, open technologies at the service of the common good. In this edition of Decidim Fest, we will once again bring together our wonderful global community to meet, share paths, strengthen our collective project and try to answer some of these questions. We are aware that we have great challenges ahead of us, but Decidim is already a global reference for free and democratic technology in a growing ecosystem of FLOSS projects that are opening new paths of hope for a more democratic digital era.


📍 All sessions will take place at Canòdrom, this year there won't be streaming.

🟢 Decidim Fest is open to all and free of charge.



Conference Venues

  • Margarita Salas
    Carrer de Concepción Arenal 165, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya
  • 12:00 PM - 13:30 PM CEST

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