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Cambios en "Decidim Stories: El papel de la democracia participativa en la crisis climática"

Avatar: Berenice Zambrano Berenice Zambrano

Descripción (English)

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    In this panel we want to reflect on what role participatory democracy can play in the current context of climate crisis. We will learn about the experience of different governments that have used the Decidim platform to organise citizen participation processes to respond to the environmental crisis.

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    • Carla de Paiva Bezerra (Gobierno Federal de Brasil) - Plan Clima

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    • Representative of the Generalitat de Catalunya - Catalans' Climate Citizen Assembly

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    • Representative EU Comission 

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      In this panel we want to reflect on what role participatory democracy can play in the current context of climate crisis. We will learn about the experience of different governments that have used the Decidim platform to organise citizen participation processes to respond to the environmental crisis.

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      • Carla de Paiva Bezerra (Gobierno Federal de Brasil) - Plan Clima

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      • Representative of the Generalitat de Catalunya - Catalans' Climate Citizen Assembly

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        Representative EU Comission 

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      Por favor, inicia la sesión

      La contraseña es demasiado corta.
