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Changes at "This Hot Summer Is One of the Coolest of the Rest of Our Lives"

Avatar: Nil Homedes Nil Homedes

Title (English)

  • +This Hot Summer Is One of the Coolest of the Rest of Our Lives

Title (Català)

Title (Castellano)

Description (English)

  • +

    Since 2022, the tagline "This Hot Summer Is One of the Coolest of the Rest of Our Lives" has been trending and continues to be a reality - highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis. Despite rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and a global youth movement mobilizing to save the planet, we continue to face challenges in aligning governments, institutions, and private corporations towards life-affirming systems.

    Few have explored pushing the boundaries with Decidim to advance a climate justice agenda or reimagining computational infrastructures in ways that better align with the natural environment. In this session, our goal is to begin imagining, speculating, and making real the possibility of a Decidim case or community that engages with a participatory climate justice movement especially with and for youth and marginalised communities.

    During this session, we will:

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    • Explore how communities have utilized open-source technology for climate justice.

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    • Use creative methods like zine-making, speculative design, and legislative theatre to incorporate ecosystems in how we do democracy and develop proposals

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    • Discuss how the Decidim community can engage with critical climate concepts and frameworks as a thematic discussion, a techno material question, and a creative methodology for designing new technologies.

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    In collaboration with the INSPIRE project and Asamblea Cívica por el Clima ( link))

    Facilitators: Enric Senabre, Nadia Nadesan and Platoniq team

    Join us as we envision a future where Decidim plays a pivotal role in the fight for climate justice.

    Language of the session: English

    Description (Català)

    • +
      • +
      • +

        Aquest Estiu Calurós És Un dels Més Genials de les Nostres Vides

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        Ubicació: Sala Ada Lovelace

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        Identificant oportunitats relacionades amb una API d'"escriptura" a Decidim (el títol sona avorrit, però el taller seria molt interessant)

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        Ubicació: Sala Heidy Lamarr

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        Democràcia oberta per a projectes de codi obert: Mautic x Decidim, un estudi de cas

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        Ubicació: Sala Margarita Salas

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      Description (Castellano)

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          Este Verano Caluroso Es Uno de los Más Geniales de Nuestras Vidas

        • +

          Ubicación: Sala Ada Lovelace

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          Identificación de oportunidades relacionadas con una API de "escritura" en Decidim (el título suena aburrido, ¡pero el taller será super interesante!)

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          Ubicación: Sala Heidy Lamarr

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          Democracia abierta para proyectos de código abierto: Mautic x Decidim, un estudio de caso

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          Ubicación: Sala Margarita Salas

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        • +

        Start time

        • +2024-10-25 12:15:00 +0200

        End time

        • +2024-10-25 13:45:00 +0200


        • +Carrer de Concepción Arenal 165, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya

        Location (English)

        • +Entrance

        Location (Català)

        • +Entrance

        Location (Castellano)

        • +Entrada

        Location hints (English)

        Location hints (Català)

        Location hints (Castellano)


        • +Decidim Fest 24


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