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Canvis a "Prioritizing the Voices of the Affected in Deliberative Spaces and Processes: Positive Discrimination and Enclave Deliberation in Decidim"

Avatar: Olivier Schulbaum
Olivier Schulbaum


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    Lightning talk: Positive Discrimination and Enclave Deliberation in Decidim. By Olivier Schulbaum, strategic Director of Platoniq Foundation

    Positive discrimination is a crucial tool for promoting equality of opportunity and positive freedom for historically disadvantaged groups. However, is it fair to treat certain population groups differently to enhance their representation? Does this clash with our idea of democracy?

    While positive discrimination involves taking steps to address historical inequalities, enclave deliberation aims to create a safe space for marginalized groups to develop their perspectives and contribute to public debates.

    This lightning talk explores whether \"enclave deliberation spaces\" are more effective in empowering marginalized groups and ensuring their perspectives shape the design of fairer public policies. The focus is on the participation of affected youth in developing mental health policies and services through artistic and digital methods. It combines Legislative Theatre (Boal, 1990) with a digital process (Decidim) and participatory research methods.

    Through the analysis of the Mindset Revolution project, we will explore whether centering the intersectional experiences of young participants affected by mental health issues, along with combining digital participation with creative and artistic approaches, can be a promising strategy for involving youth in policy design compared to more universalist approaches.

    Additionally, we will delve into the theme of eco-anxiety, a growing concern among the youth, and how it intersects with mental health. By addressing both mental health and eco-anxiety, we can better understand and incorporate the unique challenges faced by young people in the design of more responsive and inclusive policies.

    Language of the session: English/Spanish


    Research & data: Decidim case studies, studies of citizen participation, or the use of free libre open source technologies for democracy.

    Participation & methodology: Innovative practices using Decidim.

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    Lightning talk: Positive Discrimination and Enclave Deliberation in Decidim. By Olivier Schulbaum, strategic Director of Platoniq Foundation

    Positive discrimination is a crucial tool for promoting equality of opportunity and positive freedom for historically disadvantaged groups. However, is it fair to treat certain population groups differently to enhance their representation? Does this clash with our idea of democracy?

    While positive discrimination involves taking steps to address historical inequalities, enclave deliberation aims to create a safe space for marginalized groups to develop their perspectives and contribute to public debates.

    This lightning talk explores whether \"enclave deliberation spaces\" are more effective in empowering marginalized groups and ensuring their perspectives shape the design of fairer public policies. The focus is on the participation of affected youth in developing mental health policies and services through artistic and digital methods. It combines Legislative Theatre (Boal, 1990) with a digital process (Decidim) and participatory research methods.

    Through the analysis of the Mindset Revolution project, we will explore whether centering the intersectional experiences of young participants affected by mental health issues, along with combining digital participation with creative and artistic approaches, can be a promising strategy for involving youth in policy design compared to more universalist approaches.

    Additionally, we will delve into the theme of eco-anxiety, a growing concern among the youth, and how it intersects with mental health. By addressing both mental health and eco-anxiety, we can better understand and incorporate the unique challenges faced by young people in the design of more responsive and inclusive policies.

    Language of the session: English/Spanish


    Research & data: Decidim case studies, studies of citizen participation, or the use of free libre open source technologies for democracy.

    Participation & methodology: Innovative practices using Decidim.



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