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Analítiques i estadístiques


WeDecide: How the Green Party of Canada learned to create Sustainable Policy through Continuous Proposal Development

Avatar: Green Party of Canada
Green Party of Canada

The Green Party of Canada (GPC) is a grassroots political organization that develops and promotes environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic policies that prioritize ecological health and social well-being.

It took four years, and several false starts, for the organization to adopt WeDecide to evolve a member-driven policy process from a two year physical meeting-centred process, to a fully online continuous process that has dramatically improved member participation and policy responsiveness. Decidim allowed the party to run an entirely transparent process, visible to the public at large, as a demonstration of participatory democracy in action.

The workshop will be an interactive discussion of the benefits, risks and challenges of moving a political party’s policy development onto the open internet, using decidim as a member portal for Continuous Policy Development and organizational transparency. The discussion will include operational and cultural aspects of change management.


  1. Green Party of Canada Case Study (70 minutes)

    • Continuous Online Policy Development, including

      • Continuous Participatory Processes

      • Multilingual amendments 

      • Friendly-amendment Workshops

      • Color-coded voting

      • Formal dissents

    • Organizational Transparency

      • Distributed Unit Self-Publishing

      • Young Greens Engagement

      • Running internal elections 

    • Organizational Change Management

      • Strategies and lessons from the introduction of decidim to the organization

    • Decidim in Operational Workflows

      • Meeting registrations with member authentication

    • Decidim as a Communications Strategy

      • Policy development as a Search Engine Optimization strategy

  2. Question and Answer (20 minutes)


  • Review of new best practices for political policy development and member engagement

  • Identification of innovations to simply operations and increase adoption

Language of the session: English

Logistical needs: Screen or projector

Number of people facilitating the workshop: 2, Catherine Jones, Policy Lead and Federal Councillor and John Willson, WeDecide Technical Lead and GPC Fund President



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