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Decidim Geo: Discover local participation

Avatar: Hadrien Froger
Hadrien Froger

Lightning talk:

In this Lightning talk, we will present the module Decidim Geo, a module that improves the discoverability of participation in Decidim platforms.

Decidim Geo replaces all the maps in Decidim to bind application scopes to geographical areas (Shapefiles), allowing users to move through located and unlocated resources easily. Enhanced with filters, participants can rapidly find assemblies or meetings in their neighborhoods, engaging local citizens more effectively.

Even though this module is still at its beginning, its clean interface and nice usability already improve the discoverability of Decidim platforms that work to support participation in a given territory.


  1. Why We Needed This Module

  2. Demo

  3. Roadmap & Perspectives

This module was initiated by the City of Lausanne and pushed forward by the City of Zurich.

Language of the session: English

Logistical needs: a screen to share the demo



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