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Changes at "When we say ā€œopenā€"

Avatar: Ɓngela Ɓngela

Title (Castellano)

  • +When we say ā€œopenā€

Title (CatalĆ )

  • +When we say ā€œopenā€

Title (English)

  • +When we say ā€œopenā€

Description (Castellano)

  • +

    Heather Leson (FederaciĆ³n Internacional de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja)

Description (CatalĆ )

  • +

    Heather Leson, FederaciĆ³ Internacional de Societats de la Creu Roja i de la Mitja Lluna Roja

Description (English)

  • +

    Heather Leson, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Start time

  • +2018-11-28 10:15:00 +0100

End time

  • +2018-11-28 11:15:00 +0100


  • +Carrer de Lleida, 59

Location (Castellano)

  • +Mercat de les Flors

Location (CatalĆ )

  • +Mercat de les Flors

Location (English)

  • +Mercat de les Flors

Location hints (Castellano)

Location hints (CatalĆ )

Location hints (English)


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