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This proposal has been implemented

This incidence has been solved. Closed #4866 via #4920

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Wrong dates debates and Order Debates

Avatar: Isaac Massot Isaac Massot Finished
EN: The dates of the debates that are displayed on the CARD don't correspond to those that appear in the detail of the debate. I understand that it should be the same date, and also, it should say the year on that date. If the debate has a duration of more than one day, it must indicate the beginning and the end. On the other hand, according to code, it says that they are ordered by ascending start date, but at visual level this is not working. CA: Les dates dels debats que es visualitzen a la CARD, no corresponen amb les que es veuen en el detall del debat. Entenc que hauria de ser la mateixa data, i hauria de sortir l'any en aquesta data. Si el debat dura més d'un dia, ha d'indicar inici i fi. Per altra banda, segons codi, diu que s'ordenen per data d'inici ascendent, però a nivell visual no és així.


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