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Cambios en "1.2.2. "

Avatar: Nil Homedes Nil Homedes

Título (English)

  • -1.2.2.
  • +1.2.2.

Título (Català)

Título (Castellano)

Cuerpo (English)

  • -Anyone registered on Metadecidim can participate in the participatory process, designed in a very standard way:
  • -1. prepare: Technical office will propose 3-10 strategic priorities and open the proposal phase.
  • -2. propose: Any registered Metadecidim user can propose additional strategic priorities. The ”proposal” phase is at least 2 weeks.
  • -3. vote: Only members of the Decidim Association can vote on proposals. Each user has up to 5 votes to distribute.
  • -4. decide: based on the results of the voting phase, the Technical Office will select the strategic priorities for the upcoming year and publish it in the results section on Metadecidim. 
  • -
  • -[illustration1]
  • +

    Anyone registered on Metadecidim can participate in the participatory process, designed in a very standard way:

    1. prepare: Technical office will propose 3-10 strategic priorities and open the proposal phase.

    2. propose: Any registered Metadecidim user can propose additional strategic priorities. The ”proposal” phase is at least 2 weeks.

    3. vote: Only members of the Decidim Association can vote on proposals. Each user has up to 5 votes to distribute.

    4. decide: based on the results of the voting phase, the Technical Office will select the strategic priorities for the upcoming year and publish it in the results section on Metadecidim.  [illustration1]

Cuerpo (Català)

Cuerpo (Castellano)


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