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L' esmena per a proposta 1.3.2. está essent avaluada.

Esmena a "1.3.2. "

En avaluació
Avatar: Lucien Langton Lucien Langton

Cos (English)

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    1/ Product Team opens the process. Metadecidim users will propose up to 2 proposals per user. Only two proposals may be submitted by members of the same organization. Each proposal may suggest a new feature to be developed by the Decidim Association OR the adoption of an existing feature/module into the Association’s ongoing maintenance responsibilities.

    2/ Once a proposal is published, Decidim Partners will dedicate time to refine the proposal: asking clarifications, giving suggestions of changes to ease the production. 

    3/ The Product Team evaluates each proposal and assigns an estimated implementation cost in development hours. The Product Team may split proposals or merge proposals to be able to evaluate costs. Once costs are published, each participant can vote among preferred proposals.

    4/ Proposals that receive at least 10 votes are considered for implementation.

    5/ Once the strategic priorities are selected and published by the Product Team, the implementation process follows these steps:

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      1/ Product Team opens the process. Metadecidim users will propose up to 2 proposals per user. Only two proposals may be submitted by members of the same organization. Each proposal may suggest a new feature to be developed by the Decidim Association OR the adoption of an existing feature/module into the Association’s ongoing maintenance responsibilities and must include an explanation of how it adds value for the end-user.

      2/ Once a proposal is published, Decidim Partners will dedicate time to refine the proposal: asking clarifications, giving suggestions of changes to ease the production. 

      3/ The Product Team evaluates each proposal and assigns an estimated implementation cost in development hours. The Product Team may split proposals or merge proposals to be able to evaluate costs. Once costs are published, each participant can vote among preferred proposals.

      4/ Proposals that receive at least 10 votes are considered for implementation.

      5/ Once the strategic priorities are selected and published by the Product Team, the implementation process follows these steps:

      • Conversion to issues and coordination with development teams: Each selected proposal is transformed into a draft document on GitHub to refine the definition and design. During this phase, a development company and a funder organization are assigned to the proposal. Once the draft is approved, it is converted into one or more GitHub issues. The Product Team coordinates with development teams to ensure a clear implementation timeline.

    • Updating proposals on Metadecidim: As issues are worked on and closed, the related proposals on Metadecidim are updated by the Product Team. Pull Requests (PRs) are linked in the comments to provide transparency on development progress.

    • Next release acknowledgments: During the release cycle, the contributions of designers, developers, translators, and funding organizations are recognized in official communications, ensuring visibility and appreciation for their work.

    • 6/ Before the beginning of a next cycle the product team publish a post with a follow up.


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