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Changes at "2.2.1."

Avatar: Nil Homedes Nil Homedes

Title (English)

  • +2.2.1.

Body (English)

  • +1.The following guidelines may be extended to allow for experiments, but not modified.
  • +2. For each modification cycle, durations and potential extensions must be published on Metadecidim before the beginning of the process.Ā 
  • +3. At the cycle start, every already submitted proposal is eligible to constitute an amendment.Ā 
  • +4. Proposals submitted after the start of the process will have to wait until the next one to be treated.
  • +5. All the community can participate in steps 2, 3 and 5, but only members of the association can create amendments proposals.Ā 
  • +6. It is recommended that steps 2, 3 and 5 should have at least 1 public meeting facilitated by the Coordination Committee in order to make the process inclusive.
  • +7. A communications channel dedicated to the internal regulations and their modification process will be created and maintained.
  • +8. Minimum periodicity: if proposals for modifications are pending, the process should be launched at least once per year by the Coordination Committee, starting before May 1st at the latest, in order to treat amendments during the annual Ordinary General assembly. The Coordination Committee is exempt to run a cycle if no proposals are submitted.
  • +9. All proposals, either rejected or accepted, must be answered publicly on Metadecidim.Ā 


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