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Decidim Fest 2024: Technology and Democracy for an Ecosocial Future

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The Canòdrom in Barcelona became a hub of ideas during Decidim Fest 2024. Under the theme "Ecology, Technology, and Democracy: Another Future is Possible," experts, academics, and activists explored how technology can transcend its usual role and become a true ally for climate and social justice. The community actively participated, maintaining a space for exchange and collaboration essential to fostering a more inclusive and sustainable future.

More than software: a community in action

Community Day opened the festival with a vibrant exchange of ideas in the Ada Lovelace Room. The day included the “Roadmap Sync Session,” which emphasized the importance of aligning Decidim’s vision and development, and concluded with Decidim’s General Assembly, reinforcing that the platform is, above all, a community committed to social change.

Planning and participation for the future

Nil Homedes Busquets (Decidim’s director) focused his talk on the importance of democratic planning amid the climate crisis: “How can we plan a global economy that makes a dignified life possible?” He challenged Silicon Valley’s technosolutionism and advocated for technology centered on the common good, urging everyone to imagine desirable and achievable futures for all. He concluded his speech by saying, “At Decidim, we are practicing techno-optimists; that’s why we have been building a free technology for years, one that champions popular participation as a driver of social change.”

Stories of participation: lessons in action

Moderated by Mauricio Mejia (OECD), the panel featured inspiring experiences from Carla De Paiva Bezerra (Brazil), Steffen Schulz (European Commission), and Pablo García Arcos (Government of Catalonia). Bezerra shared how Brazil's Climate Plan involved citizens: "Popular involvement is crucial to create climate policies that respond to real needs." Schulz added, “The participation barrier should be as low as possible... everyone should have access to the same information.”

The hidden face of AI

Ana Valdivia (Oxford Internet Institute) was direct in describing how AI perpetuates extractive practices and inequalities. “The cloud is not a cloud; it’s an industrial warehouse. Clouds bring water, but data centers consume water,” she explained, highlighting the urgent need to rethink technological development with ecological and social awareness.

Designing to regenerate, not just grow

The panel with Clemens Driessen (Wageningen University), Fieke Jansen (Cardiff University), and Gemma Barricarte (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) discussed how to redesign infrastructure and urbanism for a fair ecosocial transition. Jansen stressed, “Design must be a tool of resistance, not an instrument of exploitation.” Barricarte added, “The city is an overburdened metabolism, feeding on other lands and resources.” Driessen concluded with a reflection on including all creatures in our collective decisions.

Provoking thought: a necessary debate

Evgeny Morozov and Frédéric Lordon closed the festival with a conversation that challenged attendees. “Capitalism no longer pretends to be linked to democracy; today it presents itself as synonymous with innovation,” Morozov pointed out. Lordon emphasized, “It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” This was a call to redesign institutions for real, inclusive change.

Closing with Lightning Talks and practical workshops

The event concluded with lightning talks showcasing innovative approaches to participation and sustainability:

  • 🌿 Community-based climate funding in Switzerland.

  • 🔎 Impact of ranking methods on participatory platforms.

  • 🌍 Decidim in social projects, presented by Alabs.

  • 🛠️ Use of Decidim Geo in Brazil to map water quality.

  • ✊ Data and participatory budgets in Helsinki to empower citizens.

  • 💡 Experiences in digital commons management, with Pau Parals and Elinor Ostrom’s principles.

  • 📢 Innovations in the Decidim platform in Brazil, shared by Eduardo Nunes.

  • 💻 Equitable representation methods in participatory budgets.

  • 🔐 Blockchain security with Vocdoni.

The workshops added a finishing touch to the festival:

  • 🚀 An API workshop with Simon Zilinskas and Valentin Chaput demonstrated how to integrate external data into Decidim.

  • 🔧 Ricardo Poppi and his team discussed integrating opinion survey tools.

  • 🌱 Decidim for Climate Justice, led by Enric Senabre, explored creative ways to empower communities.

  • 🔓 Ruth Chelseey presented how Mautic and Decidim can exemplify transparent and community-driven governance.

Decidim Fest 2024 delivered a clear message: technology and participation must serve all people, and collaboration is key to a fairer future that addresses the climate crisis.

Avatar: Nil Homedes Avatar: Urban Equipe
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