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20 posts

Marta Anducas is the new president of the Decidim Association
The Coordination Committee met last week to elect a new president.We are pleased to announce that Marta Anducas has been elected as our new president.Below, we introduce the members of the Coordination Committee: Marta Anducas (@martanducas) : Engineer and feminist advocate, Marta combines her experiences in tech and community participation in her learning and unlearning path. She actively contributes to Decidim, supporting co-creation processes and social innovation. Carla Rocha (@carla_rocha): S…
☃️ Fresh news to end the year!
Job Offer 📡We are looking for a communication and community coordination profile. In other words, someone who, on the one hand, helps us manage Decidim's day-to-day communications and, on the other hand, can dynamise our community. Know someone who’d be interested? Share it on your social networks or with friends—don’t hesitate! 😉👉 Apply hereRenewal of the Coordination Committee 🗳️Democracy in action! Thanks to your participation, we now have the three new members of the Coordination Committee: C…
We have a new Coordination Committee! 🎉
The partial renewal process for Decidim's Coordination Committee has successfully concluded. Thanks to the active participation of our community, we have elected new members who will bring their experience and commitment to continue building this project collectively.Election Results: Carla Rocha (19 votes): Professor and software engineer at the University of Brasília. She leads a women-driven free software lab and has promoted Decidim’s adoption in Brazil, fostering inclusion and amplifying div…
🇧🇷 Decidim in Brazil: Building Community and Digital Democracy
Last week, a Decidim delegation, made up of Ali González and Nil Homedes Busquets, traveled to Brazil to participate in América Abierta 2024 and sign a historic agreement with the Federal Government of Brazil. Here are the highlights of this trip:Connecting with AcademiaOur first stop was the University of Brasília, where we visited the Lappis Lab, the team behind Brasil Participativo—the largest implementation of Decidim, with over 1.5 million participants. We had the opportunity to learn about…
Community Update: Committee Renewal and New Drafting Committee
👋 Hello, Decidim community!Here’s a quick update on what’s happening at Decidim. 🌱Right now, we have two active processes, and we want to invite you to be a part of them!💥 1. Apply for the Coordination Committee This is the partial renewal of the Coordination Committee, and we’re in the application stage. If you’re interested in making key decisions at Decidim and helping guide its future, now is your chance to apply! You have until Tuesday, November 19th to do so.🔗 Apply here → Do it now💥 2. Joi…
Decidim Fest 2024: Technology and Democracy for an Ecosocial Future
The Canòdrom in Barcelona became a hub of ideas during Decidim Fest 2024. Under the theme "Ecology, Technology, and Democracy: Another Future is Possible," experts, academics, and activists explored how technology can transcend its usual role and become a true ally for climate and social justice. The community actively participated, maintaining a space for exchange and collaboration essential to fostering a more inclusive and sustainable future.More than software: a community in actionCommunity …
Renewal of the Decidim Coordination Committee: How to Participate
⚡️ We're excited to announce the renewal of part of the Decidim Coordination Committee, and we want to ensure that all members have a clear and fair opportunity to participate in this democratic process. Here’s how you can get involved and the key deadlines to remember:Steps to Participate 📋 Ensure You’re Included in the Census (Deadline: November 12, 2024) Why it’s Important: Only members who are registered in the census can vote or stand as candidates for the Coordination Committee. This is a cr …
Product Update: Roadmap 2024 and Beyond
Hi! 👋 After launching version 0.28 just before the end of the year, we have been preparing the planned developments for 2024 and looking beyond as well. So, in this post, we provide an update on: Roadmap 2024 Future Roadmap Roadmap 2024As a result of the contract tendered by the Barcelona City Council, these are the planned developments for this year, prioritized in the following way:From April to JuneWe will mainly focus on incorporating pending aspects of the new design, to meet the objectives se…
Product update: bug bash party, what’s next
Recently we had our first bug bash party, with several members of the Decidim community. The goal was to collectively test the alpha version of release 0.28, which already incorporates much of the redesign, and report bugs and UI usability issues.For the first time, we can say that the meeting was a success, both for people who participated and for the number of reports, almost 150 in just two hours! 😅The good news is that despite this volume, we have not encountered any serious problems, and we…
may news
Sustainability process🚨 Attention! The deadline to participate in the sustainability, governance and management process has been extended until MAY 25th.✅ On MAY 24th we'll celebrate a Community Meeting to discuss all these issues in greater depthThe outcome of this process will shape the future of Decidim, so it is essential that you participate by giving your opinion in the various open debates.How can you participate?💬 Leave your comment in any of the open debates and vote for the comments yo…
Product update: redesign alpha release, contributions policy and roadmap
Time for a new update on the overall progress of ongoing work!Note: If you’ve not been following the development of the project, we suggest that you read these previous posts for further context: In this post, we tell you about:a) the status of the redesign implementationb) release 0.28c) receiving contributionsd) roadmapStatus of the redesign implementationThe frontend redesign is slo…
February news :: New coordinating committee and more
It's our birthday today! Six years since we wrote the code from scratch and was born. We have written a short post on our websiteWe have a new Coordination Committee! The association's body is made up of 9 people who have already established their lines of work: Governance, Sustainability and Advocacy. Find out more about them here.ROADMAP⚡️ Product Update: proposal monitor, redesign implementation and next versionsIn this post we inform you about: the progress of the redesign impleme…
⚡️ Product update: feature requests monitor, redesign implementation and upcoming releases
Dear Decidimers,In this post we report on:a) the progress in the implementation of the redesign.b) a new organization of the Propose New Features process, in order to facilitate the understanding and coordination of new proposals for improving Decidim.Implementation of the new design and upcoming releasesProgress is slow, due to several reasons: At the administrative level, and due to the problem with the grant, Andrés can’t assume the review tasks he had been performing so far. To mitigate this …
🚀 Welcome message from the new Coordination Comitte: Let's start and Let's stick together!
Dear community,As the incoming committee, we would like to thank you for your support in the elections held a couple of weeks ago. It is true that they were not very close :P, but the participation was 66'6% and we are very enthusiastic to push this project forward, so we are more than happy with the result.As we announced during the elections, our programme focuses on three objectives and areas. Governance: Rethink the governance model, adjusting it to the current reality of the community and th…
🖱️ Voting is open for the new Coordination Committee of the Decidim Association
From today until January 16th, Decidim members can already vote in the process of Renewing the Coordination Committee of the Decidim Association.🗳️ Are you a Decidim member? You can support the candidates here.In total, 8 nominations have been submitted...thank you very much! In the vote, up to 8 supports can be distributed (see the Internal Regulation for more information). Once the results have been validated, the new Coordination Committee will be proclaimed to take over the next few years.Go…
Support us, make a donation!
Decidim is a software for democratic participation and a political project. The fact that it is a platform for the commons, developed in free/libre and open software, that does not extract or commercialise the data of those who use it, that guarantees privacy and security, that has no advertising and does not bombard with distractions is a political decision. This is why we say that it is not a social network but a political one.The Decidim Free Software Association is in charge of ensuring that…
Product update: guidelines for contributors
As announced with the release of version 0.27, we have published some guidelines to receive new contributions while the redesign implementation process is underway. These guidelines remain applicable until the redesign is finished. This is the release plan for next year, but dates are approximate and may change: March 2023: release of version 0.28, with the complete redesign of the public site. May - June 2023: release of version 0.29, with the complete redesign of the admin site. So, can I submit …
Decidim Fest pics and videos, general Assembly, new web and more
Decidim Fest is over and we are full of energy to face our next challenges. We would like to thank all speakers, moderators and attendees that helped us to make this year’s edition one of the best ones we remember.You can watch all the videos of the talks here and Photo Album here.In order to make things better for the next edition, please answer this short survey. Your opinion is very important to us. New look Good news! has a brand new website, properly organised and designed. And to…
Metadecidim Reloaded ⚡️
Hi there! 👋Since its launch, Metadecidim has been evolving, and has gone from being an experimental instance and mainly intended for dogfooding, to having its own entity, consolidating itself as the reference space for the Decidim community and its Association.Although it is important that we continue "eating our own dogfood", we saw that it was necessary to reorganize the structure of Metadecidim and integrate it with other channels we use. This will make the way we organize ourselves more unde…
October news: 10 days for Decidim Fest 2022 and +Biennial / version 0.27
Only 10 days left until Decidim Fest 2022 starts! Don't forget to register here.This year the Decidim Fest will be held on October 13 and 14 and will be integrated into the programming of the Biennal de Pensament within the activities of +Biennal. The venue will be the Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica, an open public and community facility specialized in critical technology, participatory democracy and digital culture. From there and under the slogan "The Future of the Interne…


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