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🚀 Welcome message from the new Coordination Comitte: Let's start and Let's stick together!

Avatar: Coordination Comittee
Coordination Comittee

Dear community,

As the incoming committee, we would like to thank you for your support in the elections held a couple of weeks ago. It is true that they were not very close :P, but the participation was 66'6% and we are very enthusiastic to push this project forward, so we are more than happy with the result.

As we announced during the elections, our programme focuses on three objectives and areas.

  • Governance: Rethink the governance model, adjusting it to the current reality of the community and the Association.
  • Sustainability: Consolidate other sources of funding to gain autonomy from public funding.
  • Political advocacy: To position the Decidim Association as a reference in the field of free and open technologies, being an active political actor in defence of free software and technological autonomy, as well as participatory democracy, collaborative governance and collective intelligence.

Each of these objectives is broken down into different key tasks.


  • Drafting the Association's Internal Regulations. With the aim of ordering and clarifying decision-making mechanisms, internal procedures and the functions of the positions.
  • Modify the Association's statutes. With the aim of adapting them to the current reality of the project, making Decidim an association of public utility that allows funding at European level.
  • Organise and clarify the functioning of the working groups. Facilitating greater community participation.
  • Incorporate the international vision in governance, encouraging the integration of new partners in the association.


  • Overcoming the current economic situation and cleaning up the Association's accounts.
  • Propose and implement a model of financial sustainability that involves the diversification of funding sources that will allow the Association to gain autonomy.
  • Implement and consolidate a policy of partnerships and collaborations that will help to improve and strengthen the project (with public institutions, communities, academia, foundations, cooperatives and SMEs, etc.).
  • To design an annual communicative campaign for donations.
  • Initiate the procedure to request the declaration of public utility of the Association.
  • Encourage the development of local communities working on Decidim.

Advocacy (political)

  • To associate and coordinate with other free software projects.
  • To be a political actor in the defence of the use of free technologies, especially in the field of technologies applied to government and public administration.
  • To continue to actively promote citizen participation and to continue to publicise Decidim as a platform for collective/collaborative decision-making.
  • Promotion of democratic quality (e.g. by defining evaluation and certification mechanisms).
  • Promotion of Decidim on an international scale.

Over the next two years, we will drive these goals forward and we will tackle these tasks with enthusiastic determination. We will count on this community every step of the way. That is our commitment to you. We ask for your patience, as we are still organising the committee internally, but we hope to be able to start sharing the work we are doing soon.

We would also like to thank the outgoing Coordination Committee for all their work and dedication in making Decidim grow and become an international benchmark for democracy and citizen participation.

Finally, we want to remind all members that the Statutes of the Association are available in the General Assembly of the Association, currently available in English and Catalan.

Let´s start and Let's stick together!

(Image: Members of the new coordination comittee)


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