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Reduce the list of assemblies shown to administrators

Avatar: JosanFFiG JosanFFiG
In the case of use of Decidim.Barcelona, ​​there is a high number of participatory spaces (assemblies), only with the neighborhoods councils there are 73, and to these must be added the thematic / sectoral advice. The idea is that secretaries of each assembly (or other members) became administatrors. The issue is that when they enter to administration panel, a list of all those assemblies created is shown to them. This makes very difficult to find the one that they administer in a list of more than 100 assemblies. The filters and / or the search engine that will be implemented soon is a good resource for a platform administrator, but it doesn't respond to the need of simplicity that administrators need from a single assembly or those who need to administer only the 5 neighborhood councils in your district...


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