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Analítiques i estadístiques


Possibility for admins to edit anyone's proposals

Avatar: AH AH

Yes, I know. This allows corruption. But so allows direct database access. Those who want to corrupt the data in the system are already able to do it and they are not definitely limited by the UI of the system.

The problems this causes at least:

  • Users upload copyrighted material e.g. image or attachment. Admins cannot remove that.
  • Users include personal data in their proposals and someone claims their personal details has to be removed. Admins cannot remove that.

Because of this, many otherwise good proposals to be hidden from the system with moderation. People are and should not be that aware of copyrights or laws related to them. People make mistakes, this cannot be avoided as long as we are humans.

Admins will get the claims that there is copyrighted material on their service and they have to take care of the situation. Currently only way to deal with them are hiding the whole content through reporting.

This does not seem correct to me.



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La contrasenya és massa curta.
