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This proposal has been accepted

  • Has been reviewed by Decidim Product and complies with the Social Contract
  • It is funded by Rillieux-la-Pape
  • Developed by Open Source Politics 
  • Waiting for PR

Add follow button on results

Avatar: Virgile Deville Virgile Deville Accepted / In progress
Related to this : https://meta.decidim.org/processes/roadmap/f/122/proposals/12305 As a user I want to be able to follow a result and receive notification when it's updated. Notification events : - New comment - Change in percentage of completion - New step added There is one complex thing to handle : how to handle subscription with the parent - child - grand child data structure result have. Example : - if I suscribe to result that has n childs do I receive notifications aout all childs as well ? - if I suscribe to a child result do I receive notifications about the parent ?


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