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This proposal has been rejected because:

We prefer to wait for the general redesign for these types of changes.

Enhance alert messages

Avatar: Quentin Quentin Rejected

Is your feature request related to a problem? A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

As a user I need alert messages to be visible and easy to understand to be able to use the website properly. Unfortunately, the existing notifications present a couple issues in my opinion (I am a front developer).

  • The first thing is about the location where the alert message is display. It stays on the top of the page right under the menu and so wherever you are on the page. It means that if you are at the bottom of the page you cannot see the alert message.
  • The second point is that the alert message is a static. Which makes it hardly noticeable by the user when it might be saying something to help him use the platform properly. I think that with a small animation, and a better positioning of the notification for example with a toast looking, the users will be even more supported than he is.

Describe the solution you'd like

We have been exploring different libraries that do just that.

  • On one hand we can work on Foundation's callout, which is how the notifications are created, and try to give them a more efficient layout, to improve their understanding.
  • On the other hand, we can use an external library as for example Toastr or VanillaToasts, which allow to set some custom toast, and that are more user friendly that the existing callouts.

I have also noticed that the text contained in the alert message is often quite technical and not always very easy to understand for a user. Its tone could be a little warmer to ease the user experience. We could do an inventory of these alert messages and propose improvements on the texts.

Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context


Does this issue could impact on users private data?


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