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Include content from the help/pages section within the site search

Avatar: AH AH

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Any content added to the help/pages section of a Decidim website is not discoverable through the global site search provided at the header of every page. This makes the content difficult to find for people that are looking for a certain thing they have seen at the help/pages section.

The same problem also applies to the Pages component, i.e. any content added to a page component will not appear in the global site search.

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like all content to be discoverable from the global site search, particularly:

  1. The content served from the help/pages section of the website
  2. The content added to any page component within any participatory space

Describe alternatives you've considered
Using external search index services instead of the Decidim global search.

Additional context
Typically the help/pages section is used in many ways as that is the only sensible way to manage plain rich content on a Decidim website. For example, the organization may add a page where they explain how the process proceeds or where they explain about upcoming workshops, their dates, locations, etc.

It came out from an actual user need that they wanted to find a page from the help section with a particular title but they were unable to find it from the search which made them confused.

Does this issue could impact on users private data?

Funded by
Not available right now but we may get funding for this if the customer sees the problem big enough.



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