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Based on the comments collected both in the online discussions and in the community meeting, the drafting committee has written a text for each discussion topic.

6 debates

Technological governance
From 2019, a public-common governance of the code has been defined, thanks to the agreement signed between the City Council, the Decidim Association and the Localret Consortium. Representatives of these three entities become part of the Pro…
Partnership - Partners Relationship
A productive ecosystem has been generated around the project. There are companies and organisations that have built a business model based on Decidim. The Association has played the role of arbiter in this ecosystem, sharing out the game an…
In addition to the partners (companies or organisations that provide Decidim services), there may be other actors who wish to collaborate with the Association. Recently, we have received requests from research groups to apply for European p…
The internationalisation of the Decidim community is a reality. There are already some local MetaDecidim chapters (such as France or Japan), which have organically organised themselves. As in Metadecidim, the idea is to gather a community o…
Economic sustainability
Currently, the Decidim Association is highly dependent on public funding. Specifically, it receives two subsidies from Barcelona City Council (100k) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (50k). This income allows it to support the Technical Offi…
Management and roles of the Technical Office
Currently, the Decidim Association's Technical Office is made up of two people: a senior developer and a person dedicated to management and administration tasks. Indirectly, there are other people who have been able to dedicate working hour…


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