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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting 20/05/2021

Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Bru, Yuni, Carol, Silvia, Juanli, Andres, Angela.


1. Change in the coordination committee

Andres is interested in applying for the job offers that we will publish soon from the Association, so to avoid any conflict of interest he has decided to leave the Committee. According to the statutes the Coordination Committee must be formed by a minimum of 9 people, and retaking the voting process of last January, the next person on the list is Francisca Keller, who has accepted to be part of it.

We agreed to call a general assembly of members for June 10th at 17h.

2. Status of the subsidy process

After several negotiations with both the City Council of Barcelona and the Generalitat de Catalunya, the two applications for subsidies for the Association are already underway and the forecast is that both will be granted before July.

3. Design of the selection processes for future recruitments

In view of the imminent arrival of funds for the Association, and as stated in the project for this year 2021, several job offers will be launched. We have begun to design the open selection process for the various applications, which will be published shortly in Metadecidim.

4. Spanish and European trademarks

We already have the rights to use the Decidim trademark in Europe and Spain, both the word and figurative trademarks. We have also been granted a subsidy from the EU to cover 50% of the total amount.

5. Participatory process to define the trademark policy

We will soon carry out a process among the members to reach a consensus on the brand policy.


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