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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting 20/05/2021

Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol, Pablo, Ángela, Sílvia, Yuni, Bru, Núria


  1. Recruitment status. Next steps. Agency
  2. Modification of the project and budget
  3. developments
  4. Decide GDPR
  5. Crowdfunding / Dues

1. Status of the contract

As already mentioned in previous emails, the position of programmer could not be filled in the end, due to not having found the right profile. We postponed the search to the following year.

Regarding the position of Project Manager, interviews have been carried out with the candidates shortlisted by the selection committee and finally it has been agreed to hire Maite Orellana.

You have to organize with the agency the processing of the contract, registration in S.S., etc.

Bru and Carol are in charge of following up.

2. Modification of the project and budget

The project and the budget must be drawn up and presented again to both the Generalitat and the Town Hall, reflecting the changes with respect to the initial proposal.

Internal deadline: 9/29/21.

Angela and Carol are in charge of following up.

3. Developments

As we do not cover the programmer position, we are going to commission some developments externally, which will be the following:

  • Decidim installer (1st iteration)
  • Optimization of the number of gems used by the framework to reduce technical debt
  • New design

Budgets have already been requested to start working ASAP.

Andrés and Carol are in charge of following up.

4. Decidim GDPR

We have entrusted the consultant that provides us with legal advice with a review to comply with the requirements established by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) since now we do not comply with various aspects.

Summary of the tasks:

1. Draft the legal texts for (in progress)

2. Promote the migration of the legal responsibility of and, where appropriate, adapt the web texts to pass responsibility from the Barcelona City Council to the Association. This website is oriented to the Decidim community for managing the Decidim project and contributing to the platform, which as we see would be the public part of the demo ( backoffice).

3. In parallel, a brief internal GDPR diagnosis on the state of compliance beyond the web, but rather referred to the global set of data processing that you carry out from the Association and, in particular, on associates, supplier contacts and collaborators, information systems where the data is stored, ARCOPOL and breach protocols, etc.

Andrés and Carol are in charge of following up.

5. Crowdfunding / Dues

In July there were some meetings with Goteo to evaluate the possibility of launching a crowdfunding campaign making it coincide with the campaign of members. But after knowing the details and assessing the effort necessary to carry it out, we do not find ourselves with enough energy.

In any case, the admission process for new members will be resumed and the collection of fees from natural persons will be activated.

Núria, Silvia and Carol are in charge of following up.


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