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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • -
    Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
  • 15:00 PM - 16:00 PM CET
OpenStreetMap - Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol, Yuni, Angela, Nuria, Bru, Pablo. Guest: Arnau


  • Requirement of the Generalitat. Preparation of pleadings
  • Subsidy justification Barcelona City Council
  • Project grants 2022
  • European project that we discussed at the last meeting

1. Requirement of the Generalitat. Preparation of pleadings

Before Friday the 14th, the request must be submitted. Laura Suñe has no faith. Arguments: within the framework agreement, it is established that the collaboration is annual and, therefore, it should be from January to December. Suñe herself does not know why they have not recognized him. She says that the bureaucratic machine will not allow it. The Generalitat demands that it should have been justified until October 31. The Generalitat demanded that everything be changed until October 31 and it had to be rectified. They issued a resolution talking about October 31.

Arnau proposes asking Eli for help to have legal rhetoric to draft the resolution.

Facto, they are barely responding to us. The possibility of paying extra to help us is ruled out. Carol will write a draft that will be passed to Eli to see if she can contribute and it is sent out on Friday.

The agency and the bank are two things that must be rethought for this year. Núria proposes Ronda for management.

We will ask the Generalitat for more money to be able to solve the 12 thousand less. In addition, we have to spend all the rest of the money in a short time.

Ask for an extension of the justification period from Nov 21 to Dec 22. If that doesn't work, we have to see where we get the money from.

Coop57: We have done all the procedures, they granted us the credit and with that we were able to pay all the bills. Núria asks if we can extend credit to cover this gap.

Suñé says that they will give us all the facilities to return this money. That will not end the fact that we ask for the subve of 22.

Carol prefers not to extend the credit and bet on the Generalitat since there are no other sources of firm financing at the moment.

Carol isn't as confident of what Gene says. but on the other hand we have entered into a dangerous circle in which we cannot afford not to request the subve.

We have to do an exercise to have a little treasury. Apart from the fees, this year they have been 960 euros. Being optimistic, we can reach 1600. The part of sponsorships and subsidies, obviously looking at the companies.

When we announce the sponsorship policy, we have to be careful to eradicate the idea that everything is free.

In an optimistic exercise, at the end of the year, 30,000 liquidity could be generated, but it requires a dedicated effort.

Labor structure

Maite and Andrés have to have employment continuity and enter the subsidies.

Start recruiting freelance people who work to promote installation services, accompaniment...

How should we do it so as not to become mere intermediaries.

Pablo says that from the logic of the social contract and good practices, from an organization that is interested in Decidim, there are different steps: coordination, development, deployment, training. One of the points of the association is to ensure good practices and make sure that these stages are fulfilled as part of the social contract. It is aligned with the democratic principles of Decidim and that is justified with regard to subsidies.

In the advisory part, we are the gateway for any interested party and we could provide initial support (drafting specifications, etc.). People don't know how to boot.

It is not an audit narrative that is done at the end, but an accompanying one, in the sense that it is well done. If not because the process will be well designed. Right now we can only hire people for grant money. How can we do it if we have to present an idea like this to the grants.

We focus on the subsidy to pay the salaries of those hired.

When we finish the two reports, call an assembly and explain everything that has been done and present this year's project. Hopefully I can present the project for the 2 grants in February, at the latest in March so that the money comes in as soon as possible.

In order to generate income, another programmer is needed, suggests Andrés.

Carol has had to dedicate time from her workday to assume everything that the association implies and it is unsustainable to maintain it. Andrés proposes that a leave of absence be requested and that she present herself as director or that someone be found.

This year solve the liquidity problem or generate the developments that are needed. And already for the other 2 years, look for another solution since there are 2 years of subsidies left.

Carol feels that she is not getting anywhere because she is so on top of everything, plus everything she demands Product. 22 and 23 to have a vision of where we are going. It is a jump with a mattress since would be a leave of absence. It would be the second time that someone resigns from the coordination committee to work in the association.

50% of the board of directors may be hired to work in the association beyond their position.

We have to present the memory. Everything has been paid with the City Council before the 31st. You have to finish writing the report. Before the end of January we have to deliver it. You have to hire an audit required by the City Council.

You have to have a meeting with everyone to think about this year's project.

Thursday, February 3 at 3:30 p.m. we get together to think about the year. Summon the committee plus Arnau, Nil, Andrés, Maite.

4. European project that we discussed at the last meeting

European project, leading a working package means kicking people into doing their job, and not doing what they want. Improving the deliberation part is what he proposes. It makes sense that it be developed to, for example, improve discussions.


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