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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • -
    Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
  • 15:00 PM - 16:00 PM CEST
OpenStreetMap - Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting
Private meeting Transparent

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol, Bru, Silvia, Pablo, Núria. Guests: Andrés, Maite


1.- Grants

  • We are waiting for a response from the Town Hall and Gene. 
  • We'll follow up with Eli.
  • In parallel, we are talking with Coop57 to extend the policy.

2.- New website

  • Stages: Design, layout and content
  • We are already in the content stage, in the final phase.
  • Pablo will check.
  • There will be the partnership policy and the trademark policy.
  • See when it launches.

3.- Partnership policy

  • Send informative email to partner companies, explain new partnership policy and send schedule for meetings.
  • It is said that there will probably be partners that do not have it included in the budget, perhaps in certain cases the contribution will have to be postponed until next year.
  • Perhaps it would be more practical and easier to communicate to everyone that the contribution will be from January 2023, define it that way from now on.
  • Put it on the new website.
  • It is commented that only new partners should be exempt from fees, clarify this in the text.

4.- Strategic Plan

  • Bru, Fran and Maite met. Fran gave us some basic knowledge on how to come up with a plan.
  • The idea is raised that a small group begins to land the plan starting by defining objectives, then sharing it with the rest of the committee.
  • It is proposed: 
  • make a brief diagnosis of the association, 
  • an analysis of strengths and weaknesses or SWOT (weaknesses, strengths -internal-, threats, opportunities - external)
  • Analysis of the Decidim ecosystem, (who makes it up, what do they do, what can we contribute, do we want to differentiate ourselves? Do we want to reproduce things that are already done with our own label? etc.)
  • definition of strategic objectives (among them it is already noted that there must be a sustainability plan or strategy for the association)
  • and then definition of the actions that will lead to the achievement of said objectives. (It is interesting to define the actions taking into account the theory of change, which in short would be very summarized: what has to happen for the action that I have defined to be effective in achieving the objective for which I have proposed it).
  • You can make a brief strategic plan (in terms of the number of objectives to be developed and in terms of execution time 2, 3 years?) and then see if it is expanded further


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