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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • -
    Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
  • 15:00 PM - 16:00 PM CET
OpenStreetMap - Plaça del Canòdrom, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Carol, Angela, Pablo, Núria, Fran, Bru. Guests: Andrés, Maite


1.- City Hall Grant 2022

  • We have been informed that this grant will not be awarded to us.
  • Of the 50K of this grant, half correspond to the salaries of people hired by the association. A large part of this has already been advanced with the financing of Coop57.
  • By not receiving this grant, there is a cash shortfall of approximately 10k to cover salaries and fixed expenses for November and December.
  • The two months of the year that remain to be paid in salaries will be deferred.
  • You have to request a deferral of SS payments. Maite is in charge with the agency.
  • The rest of the activities planned within this grant will not be carried out, except for legal advice, which has already begun to work. You have to talk to them and explain the situation to them. Defer payment of your invoice until 2023.

2.- Generalitat Grant 2022

  • This grant was awarded, and we already received 80% of the amount in September.
  • The orders are already made and the payment committed for 2022.
  • We must start preparing the justification report of the Generalitat and present it at the beginning of January, so that they pay us the remaining 20% ​​(10K) as soon as possible.

3.- Negotiation with Coop57

  • We have a commitment to return by the end of December, but since the City Council 2022 grant will not be received, the postponement of this return will have to be negotiated.
  • We hope to have firm commitment from the City Council on when we might receive the 2023 grant to talk to them. It would have to be at the beginning of December.

4.- Generalitat Grant 2023

  • Start preparing the project to present it soon in 2023.

5.- Reminder of individual quotas / cancellation procedure

  • Approximately half of the membership fees are still pending collection. Defaulting members must pay before the next assembly. Also see how those who wish to unsubscribe.
  • Maite will send the reminder email to pay the fees today, and an explicit response will be requested in case you do not want to continue being a member.

6.- Interviews with Partners
We already have two partners who will make financial contributions to the project: PokeCode (BCN) and Codeando México (Mexico). These collaborations must be formalized. Carol is taking care of it. This week we have more interviews, and others with private funds. The idea is that as soon as we have the documentation to have a proactive approach. We have to think about the communication campaign. 

Here the people with whom we can collaborate are declined.

7.- Possible collaborations / funds

8.- Preparation of the General Assembly 11/24

Renewal of the coordination committee: 8 of the 9 members leave, only Fran remains. It will be necessary to call elections and establish an intermediate body to be able to sustain the Association until the new committee begins. We propose that it be the coordination group that has been organized with members of the association, Decidim workers and representatives of the city council.


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