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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


  • Update Bru (15min)
  • Gestión (10min)
  • Subvención Ayuntamiento BCN
  • Preparación ofertas de trabajo
  • Subvención Generalitat
  • Poliza de credito
  • Renovación convenio Decidim-Localret-Ayuntamiento Barcelona
  • Gobernanza (20min)
  • Community Meetings y Working Groups
  • Partners
  • Private funding y sostenibilidad (15 min)
  • Plan de sostenibilidad
  • Otros

Meeting Minutes


  • Nil
  • Ant
  • David
  • Maite
  • Txema
  • Pauline
  • Bru (guest)
  • Fran
  • Xabier


Update Bru

Bru updates us on the Horizon project (eu) with the aim of creating a prototypical participatory process contextualised in different scenarios. The project did not succeed and was reconverted into a new one on communication and social transformation based on participation and to be carried out in a Decidim instance. We are awaiting a response from the EU.

Asuntos del Sur Project (Fran). The association will provide technopolitical accompaniment in different participatory processes in Latin America. The agreement has already been signed. It is necessary to continue working with this organisation to see if concrete work/tasks can be carried out.

Maite asks if we are open to new calls. She now has an invitation to go to Geneva and wonders if we could take advantage of these trips/meetings and/or contacts.

David asks whether these projects involve Andrew's hours or whether it requires committee involvement.

Antonio: He understands that the association is open to new projects to decide on a case-by-case basis. Whether or not people from the committee participate in these projects will depend on each project and each person. We are all in agreement.

Fran: the forms of sustainability of the team that sustains the project and the need to strengthen it. The development of projects in an organic way and whether it is necessary to debate the functions, limitations and incorporation of professionals to the Decidim team, strengthening the public/common funding.

Nil: He puts forward an idea to address the debates that open with the projects for sustainability, opening a process (to be defined/designed) in the goal with the aim of finishing it in June, to address it in an assembly and to be able to incorporate the results of the debate in the internal regulations. This document/agreement would serve as a basis for all projects.

Ant.: Let's simplify the process proposed by Nil so that it does not overburden us.

Maite: let's specify/concrete the discussions to take back to the community.

Pauline: There is a lot of discussion ahead, issues that have been raised before. We should flesh them out and go from there to socialise with the community.

Nil: I had thought of passing this document for consultation in the meta process I was talking about.

Finally it is agreed to form a group for this melon to propose how to do the process. Whoever wants to join in should do so.


  • BCN City Council Grant. No news. We expect a decision in March. It is important that we start thinking about the recruitment process for the jobs that will allow us to implement the grant.
  • Subvencion Generalitat: we are working on the justification to be presented soon. There is going to be a meeting with the new Director General, to which Carol and Nil will go as outgoing/incoming presidents. If anyone else wants to go, please let us know.
  • Credit policy. Nil has spoken to people who could put up guarantees and it would probably be a guarantee of 2.000.-€ per person.
  • Renewal of the Decidim-Localret-Barcelona City Council agreement ( Agreement by which the city council cedes the management of the code to the association. It ends in May and has to be renewed two months before. Work is already underway. It will be renewed for 4 years.


  • Community Meetings and Working Groups (see above).
  • Partners. It is being run by Ali who has not been able to connect to this meeting.

Private funding and sustainability (15 min)

  • Sustainability plan: (See discussion above.) Ali will report back.


  • Fran: Asuntos del Sur asked us to translate from Catalan into Spanish and to adapt a guide and design a course within the framework of a diploma in public innovation. They are sending us what they are asking for. We will evaluate whether it is possible to take the request for the adaptation of the guide. The course and technological accompaniment is discarded. We are committed to respond with a partner policy in future invitations.


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