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Analítiques i estadístiques


Associació Decidim - Reunió Comité de Coordinació

Avatar: Trobada oficial
Trobada oficial

Reunió ordinària del Comitè de Coordinació.

Acta de la trobada


Nil, Maite, Fran, Pauline, Antonio, Txema

1/ Management

BCN City Council Grant

No news, it continues to be processed. Pending the plenary session at the end of March. The money should arrive in the first 15 days of April.

Subsidy Generalitat

Sent justification year 2022. Pending presentation of the project for 2023 and waiting for the Generalitat to ask us for this project (it would be 50,000 euros).

(6 months of Andrés and Maite's salary, Decidim Fest poster expenses,...) It is similar and complementary to the project that is sent to the city council.

Credit policy

The necessary endorsements have already been submitted. In addition to the people of the committee with residence in the Spanish state, Pau Parals, Marta (from platoniq) and others have endorsed the project.

Renewal of the agreement Decidim-Localret-Barcelona City Council

We are initiating the process to request the automatic extension of the agreement.

2/ Governance

Community Meetings and Working Groups (doc)

We have a commitment to bring the docu to the general assembly which would have to approve it. It will be made with the module developed with VocDoni funds.

VocDoni Module

2ndo grant of 20.000 euros to end up making a real vote of a real entity, which would be the association Decidim to approve the docu Community Meetings and Working Groups. We would also have to organise a meeting to present the module.

Organise the general assembly in one month and test the module to approve the document on community calls.

Txema proposes that a practical guide on how to implement and configure the module be released with the module.

Last week of March (27th) for the general assembly. It has to be convened 15 days before the assembly. So, it should be done before the next meeting. Negotiations will be tried (Nil) to delay this date.

27 : better to have an extraordinary assembly
- presentation of the committee
- vote on community calls
- updates

Pauline prepares draft agenda and convocation. Next week we will announce it in Metadecidim. Nil coordinates with Andrés to prepare the vote.

Second (ordinary) assembly in June or July

Gov 2.0 process.

Change the name to Governance and Sustainability, because Gov 2.0 is not understood ?

The aim is to change and adopt a new regulation.

We agreed to work on the document and when it is mature we will consider how we do the approval process and whether or not to include it in the internal regulations (to be approved by a general assembly).

3/ Partners


The Association will make an invoice to OSP for 30k. euros (maintenance, review, product, calls, etc.).

4/ Private funding and sustainability

Sustainability plan

Ali and Fran share the budget analysis and human resources projection for the next meeting.

5/ Other

The partnership with Asuntos del Sur is on hold. Motivation will be reviewed to structure a work plan. The request for a meeting with Avina to strengthen the work plan in the southern region will be assessed.

Ranking people powered (ranking)

We have gone from #2 to #8 after the announcement. We've moved up to #3 again.


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
