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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • Online
  • 16:00 PM - 17:00 PM CET
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

Meeting Minutes


Pauline, Ali, Frank, Maite, Txema, Nil, Antonio, David


  1. Maite's resignation

  2. UX/UI offer

  3. General Assembly

  4. We decide politics and next steps

  5. Upcoming events 2024

  6. Partners update

  7. Fundraising

1/ Maite's resignation

Due to personal and availability issues, Maite wants to resign from the committee. The committee thanks Maite for her dedication and effort and understands the personal situation that has led Maite to resign. We wish her all the best and hope that in the future she will be able to return to the committee.

The statutes of the association state:

Art. 19. 1. c: El cessament dels càrrecs abans d'extingir-se el termini reglamentari del seu mandat pot esdevenir-se per: renúncia notificada a l'òrgan de govern.

Art. 19. 2: Vacancies that occur on the Coordination Committee must be filled by voting according to the system determined in the Internal Regulations through the Metadecidim platform. However, a member of the Association can provisionally occupy the vacant position.

The resignation is effective, as Maite has done it in front of the Coordination Committee.

The committee must be composed of a minimum of 9 members, so we have to call an election. A system of election and renewal of the members of the committee was established in 2020, you can find it on this link:

In order to keep a diversity of profiles, we want to focus on women profiles.

2/ UX/UI offer

We have a vacancy for a designer, it will be done in person:

Carol and Nil will do the interviews, Pauline helps with CV process and interview design.

3/ General Assembly


  • Official convocation: 21 March

  • Documents uploaded: 21 March

  • GA: 4 April

  • Annual report 2023 to be prepared

4/ Deciding politics and next steps

  • Retrospective on the adherence to the manifesto and lessons learnt

  • Necessary internal rules of procedure

  • Revision of the statutes

  • Code of Conduct (Github & community spaces)


Proposed change:

We approve this text as a Coordination Committee, and have it ratified by the assembled members at the next general assembly.

5/ Upcoming events 2024

  • 13th March: Bug bash party for 0.29 => Cancelled

  • 4 April: General assembly of the association

  • ?? A translation hackathon => Pending

  • ?? A documentation hackathon => Pending

  • Community event - 15 community meeting

6/ Partners update

Latest estimate of partner contributions: 52K

The round is finished, this year we should have 6 new partners (3 pending).

We have a new partner, Urban Equipe, who has given us 1000 euros threw Open Collective 🎉

Communications about CFJ and EU in the networks and on the web this week.

7/ Fundraising

  • Today we submit proposal Data Empowerment Fund (50k)

  • NED application 11 March

  • Funding for communication and community roles

  • Yesterday PPA grant extension was sent out.

  • Google documentation grant


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