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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • Online
  • 21:00 PM - 22:00 PM CEST
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


  1. Fundraising

  2. Process Rules of Procedure

  3. Decidim Fest

  4. Job offer: Executive Management

  5. Committee Renewal

Meeting Minutes


Pauline, Nil, Txema, Ali, Antonio

1/ Fundraising

  • Updates grants

    • Ajuntament de Barcelona will give us 90k finally

    • Generalitat 50k

  • Recent applications

2/ Process Rules of Procedure

  • Presentation of the process design


  1. Kick-off and selection of the drafting committee (June)

  2. Drafting text (June-July)

  3. Kick-off meeting for all members

  4. Draft discussion (amendments and comments) (September)

  5. Review of contributions (October)

  6. Merge and publication of 2nd draft

  7. 2nd meeting to discuss debates

  8. Draft discussion (amendments / comments) second round (?)

  9. Publication final text (November)

  10. Vote and approval in General Assembly (Q1 2025)

The entrance to the drafting committee will be open to the community.

Members of the editorial committee: Nil, Txema, Antonio (+community membres)

Dynamisation process: Pauline

3/ Decidim Fest

  • october 23-25

  • open calls to be opened

  • we have to define what to do on community day (the first day of the fest, 23rd)

    • convene the community thematic committee to help us define what we want to do.

  • Ali proposes: for the community day a breakfast to start with to keep people happy, the open call for community stuff and an intro session to decidim. not so much to the software but to the community.

4/ Job offer: General Coordination

  • The place should be allocated in September.

  • Nil writes the doc with the list of responsibilities

  • The committee has to decide how to do the process, open or closed, and the selection mechanism

  • The rules of procedure should provide for a director and develop his or her functions and accountability mechanisms.

  • Draft the communiqué on this decision in September.

  • Present it at the fest


  • September: New director

  • End of September: Elections for new Committee and election of new President

  • October: Presentation of the new Committee and chairmanship at the Fest


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