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Changes at "Creation of a Local Chapter for Switzerland"

Avatar: Lucien Langton Lucien Langton

Body (English)

  • Purpose
    The highest purpose of the Swiss Decidim Local Chapter is to support, promote and apply the mission of Decidim in Switzerland as expressed in the Social Contract.

    Moreover, the Swiss Decidim Local Chapter commits to:

    • Stand as a non-profit & neutral Decidim expert in Switzerland

  • Improve collaboration between actors and with the Decidim Association on common useful resources such as documentation, tutorials and best practices as well as index available modules and existing use cases in the country.

  • Legal Form & binding to the Decidim Association
    The Swiss Decidim Local Chapter MUST be a non-profit, public utility association registered in Switzerland.

    The statuses of the Swiss Decidim Local Chapter MUST respect the agreement on Internationalization and Local Chapters as defined by the Decidim Association. Any activity of the Swiss Decidim Local Chapter breaching this agreement is forbidden.

    The Swiss Decidim Local Chapter CAN provide the following services or perform the following activities:

    • Coordinate co-funding of module developments between Swiss cantons, cities and other civil society associative structures

    • Onboard Swiss members into the Decidim Association

    • Educate and support admins in the use of Decidim Software

    • Contribute with translations and documentation

    • Centralise needs of technical adaptations to the Decidim software to the Swiss context

    • Fund community activities such as hackathons and workshops

    • Limitations
      The Swiss Decidim Local Chapter CANNOT provide the following services or perform the following activities:

    • Paid installations or technical maintenances of Decidim platforms

    • -
    • Feature development such as external modules for Decidim platforms

    • -
    • Rights

      Participants in the Swiss Decidim Local Chapter CAN be the following:

      Participants in the Swiss Decidim Local Chapter CAN be the following:


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