Community Meeting 3: Sistemes de navegació i menús (Procés de Redisseny)
16:00 PM - 18:00 PM CET
Convidem a tota la comunitat Decidim a aquesta trobada per conèixer els primers resultats de la feina feta fins al moment pel Procés de Redisseny. Presentarem les primeres propostes que serviran com a punt de partida per debatre sobre sistemes de navegació i menús.
Recupera el vídeo de la trobada:
Adjuntem una presentació on s’explica l’anàlisi fet i els motius que estructuren la proposta de redisseny.
🖼 Mira la presentació del mockup a Figma
L'equip encarregat del redisseny presentarà el mockup:
- Álvaro Ortiz (Fundador de Populate)
- Rober González (Dissenyador de producte a Populate)
En aquesta trobada comptarem amb una fila zero d’expertes en UX que ens ajudaran a abordar el debat i analitzar les propostes. La comunitat també podrà donar feedback i participar del debat el dia de la trobada.
Les persones que conformaran la fila zero son:
- Stiliana Mitzeva. (Il·lustradora i dissenyadora gràfica freelance.)
- Laura Vidal (Disenyadora, enginyera i fundadora d'Atelier Gelb, estudi especialitzat en el diseny UI/UX per a productes digitals).
- Nadia Nadesan (Investigadora i coordinadora d'interacció digital. Experta en redacció d'informes i investigacions, creació de narratives digitals i xarxes socials. Treballa a la fundació Platoniq)
- Judith Membrives. (Formació en comunicació, multimèdia i filosofia. És experta en UX i ha treballat com a investigadora en experiència de la persona usuària. Actualment és tècnica de digitalizació a
- Ana Pina Bello (UX writer / Content writer de Prodigioso Volcán)
La sessió serà en anglès.
(Sessió online)
⏩ El debat continua obert al procés de redisseny, participa!
Estructura de la sessió
1. Introducció [16:00 - 16:10]
2. Presentació del mockup [16:10 - 16:30]
L'equip de redisseny explicarà primer l'anàlisi fet per després explicar amb detall les propostes de redisseny
3. Feedback fila zero [16:30 - 17:00]
4. Treball en grup [17:00 - 17:45]
Debats en grups de 8-5 persones
5. Conclusions [17:45 - 18:00]
Acta de la trobada
/Group work
Notes from Group 3 (Carol's group) — our group notes got lost but here's an attempt to recap from memory :)
- Eero, Javier and Torben are quite new to the community, so they don't have any strong opinion about the current design.
- Nadia was asking how many sections would be ideal to deal with at once? How does a participant find out which options are available for participation?
- Having simultaneaous actions might make times sometimes, some other times not.
- So it might make sense to be able to hide actions depending on the instance.
- Mobile navigation: when the menu is unfolded the background color changes, so it might appear that there's a disconnect.
Breadcrumbs menu: people like it
Notes from Group 1 (Arnau):
Attendees: Virgile, Antti, Anthony, Arnau, Alma,...
- Anthony (Switzerland): When the design will be implemented? Concerned about costumization possibilities from the admin side like we can do with Decidim Awesome using CSS.
- Virgile (OSP): Were the changes based on user research ? Is that research publicly available ?
- Arnau: Populate conducted some based on meta.decidim.
- álvaro: actually it was over
- How to involve the community in these ?
Main pain point regarding navigation :
- User can't grasped the complexity behing processes / assemblies
- Solution have a homepage block that explains what are the different participatory spaces
- Navigation inside processes, user are not sure what they have to do or can do
- Solution using content blocks for process page so you can build a landing page with a call to action, a description etc.
- Antti : points out the need of costumization of main manu for instance that have lower complexity (only one active process).
- Importance to focus on accessibility on hover navigation menu to enable navigation by tab, careful about hover for mobile and tablet navigation.
Worried about language selection at the bottom of the page.
- álvaro: the trade off we are thinking about is having an option that is rarely used taking too much and too important space, or moving it elsewhere. We also are evaluating having it on the dropdown (when the user is logged in). I agree that paricipatory concepts will need to accompany non-technical people to make them feel comfortable when they land on the page. For me the solution is to have the contextual help present from the beginning.
- Virgile: What happens with hover menu when you are in a participatory space
- álvaro: No. The idea is that this is a static intro to the space. Actually, in the very last version, the side menu is in the other side, so this confusion goes away and it's clearer is just a menu.
- virgile : it looks cool but I'm unsure how it will behave in real conditions. I feel it's a bit redundant with the content of the page
- álvaro: it will be redundant if you are in the home of the space, not so much if you are in any other page (if you have arrived to a proposal with a direct link, we think it gives you a nice map of the process)
- The future pages won't display any header banner (they contained the steps, the cta, the title the subtext) ? We'll see... :)
Notes from Group 2 (Andrés):
Attendees: Andrés, Pauline (OSP), Michele (Milano), Paolo, Ruben, Dani (aLabs), Tayrine, Stiliana
- There are doubts regarding how the user profile would behave in the header.
- Icons should always have supporting text, except when they're really recoginsable (like maybe "home" and "search")
- Should "Meetings" and "Activity" be in the main navigation mobile header?
- How about the "Help"/"FAQs" pages, if the person doesn't know what's a process/initiative/etc. Would we add another help section (taking care that it doesn't pollute the page too much).
- It'd be nice to reserve some space in the header menu to add a support chat
- We generally like the breadcrumb change, but there are doubts about the hover behaviour in the breadcrumb (the fact that sometimes you have submenu on the hover, sometimes not)
- What happens when a space doesn't have any component, for instance an assembly with only subassemblies? How ther breadcrumb would behave?
- The "New proposal" button: is the idea to have it customized in the admin as it's now? Would it also be in the process homepage?
- Regarding the components order, it's important to have this feature as an administrator, to be able to sort the components