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Canvis a "Trobada de la comunitat: Sostenibilitat, governança i aliançes de Decidim"

Avatar: Nil Homedes
Nil Homedes

Descripció (English)

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    In this meeting we want to talk about the different topics that we are debating in the recently opened participatory process on sustainability, governance and alliances of Decidim.

    The coordination committee has decided to promote this event with the aim of having a quality space where we can discuss in a synchronous way about the different topics of the opened debates.

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    In this meeting we want to talk about the different topics that we are debating in the recently opened participatory process on sustainability, governance and alliances of Decidim.

    The coordination committee has decided to promote this event with the aim of having a quality space where we can discuss in a synchronous way about the different topics of the opened debates:

    • Economic sustainability
    • Management and roles of the Technical Office
    • Technological governance
    • Partnership - Partners Relationship
    • Collaborations
    • Internationalisation of the community


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
