Trobada de la comunitat: Decidim 101, actualització de grups temàtics i convocatòria de continguts
16:00 PM - 17:00 PM CET
Tothom està convidat a aquesta trobada de la comunitat, que se celebrarà a finals del 2023 i us permetrà veure el nou format de trobada que hem imaginat per al 2024.
Aquest programa inclou una convocatòria per proposar punts a l'ordre del dia, de manera que qualsevol membre de la comunitat pugui afegir un punt a l'ordre del dia, per exemple:
- un cas d'ús interessant de Decidim;
- desenvolupament d'un mòdul nou;
- una nova comunitat Decidim local;
- i qualsevol idea que vulguis compartir!
També hi haurà un espai on els comitès temàtics (traduccions, dissenys, etc.) podran presentar els seus avenços i suggeriments (si es volen) i reclutar persones potencialment interessades!
Finalment, volem crear aquest format per facilitar la benvinguda de les persones noves que s'han incorporat a la comunitat, perquè siguin benvingudes i puguin identificar ràpidament els diferents àmbits en els quals poden contribuir, així com les persones a les quals es poden dirigir.
Vols compartir alguna cosa amb la comunitat? Fes-nos-ho saber a la secció de comentaris i tindreu un temps dedicat durant la reunió!
Bienvenida [16:00 - 16:10]
Welcome to newcomers in the community, round of presentation.
Thematic groups updates [16:10 - 16:20]
Ideas selection [16:20 - 16:40]
Presentation of the ideas selected from the open call for content process.
Open Q/A [16:40 - 17:00]
Ask your questions!
Acta de la trobada
Welcome! Quick presentation of participants
Thematic groups updates
Community: organized this meeting, thanks to Ruth, Hadrien, Nil, Ali and Pauline
Release party: If you want to participate to the next group meeting in January, give us your availability on The next step for this group is to organize the next release party!
Translations: If you want to participate to the next group meeting in January, give us your availability on The next step for this group is to organize a translation hackathon!
Common sense: The design system for Decidim until 0.27 is available on this link Last Thursday of each month, a community call for Common Sense takes place on the Element channel.
Community Showcases
Pokecode: Showcase the module Reporting Proposal, Presented by Pau
Demo available here:, codebase here: (0.26-0.27 compatible, 0.28 on the roadmap)
How it does work?
It will add some functionalities to the existing proposal component
Participant will be able to choose a place on the map (with a Use my location button).
Participant can upload a photo
Allow participant to pin a proposal on a map to have a FixMyStreet alternative inside Decidim. The proposal will be compared by geographical proximity 📍
Pokecode: Showcase the module Participate on a PDF
Demo available here:, codebase here: (0.26-0.27 compatible, 0.28 on the roadmap)
A new component to be able to upload a PDF and allow participant to write suggestions. How it does work?
The admin upload a PDF
The admin will design zones where the participants can suggest modifications
The participants will be able to suggest on the zones, and manage their suggestions.
Suggestions are anonymous for the administrators 🎉
Q/A and comments
next open-source events: Mautic, Pokecode and Decidim will be there!
when will be ready in 0.28 ?
Beginning of January <3
We think about having other try.decidim in older installation for regression testing. in 0.28 🎉