Decidim Fest 2022 survey assesment
From 1 to 5, how would you rate Decidim Fest 2022?
Single option
- 1 😐
- 2
- 3 🙂
- 4
- 5 😍
For you, what is the main motivation for coming to Decidim Fest?
Short answer
Networking: Do you think the networking spaces are adequate and how would you improve them?
Long answer
Title and description
What did you think of the topics covered, and what topics would you like to see addressed in the next edition?
Long answer
Would you change anything about the format?
Long answer
Title and description
Open Assembly: How do you value the open assembly, and do you think it is a space to be maintained?
Long answer
Workshops: What did you think of the workshops and what would you change about the format?
Long answer